S’okay though because God will catch them in His big giant hand and Lift Them Up To Heaven so that the rest of us can get down to business and live our lives without deniers of everything.
S’okay though because God will catch them in His big giant hand and Lift Them Up To Heaven so that the rest of us can get down to business and live our lives without deniers of everything.
We use the comparison to cancer cells at our house. Rampant proliferation that ruins the surrounding tissues and if left unchecked, migrates to affect other areas too.
We get those here in Vancouver. They all pile off the cruise ships and go trekking off into the mountains in their Keds and have to be rescued when they don’t come back before the sun goes down. I think these should be used as tribute to appease the local gods. If they keep getting rescued the PNW earthquake god is…
We’re going to be the layer used as a source of combustible product millions of years in the future. They’ll start digging and just find a layer of plastic.
That’s EXACTLY what’s happening. But, as usual, they’re not accepting any blame because gays and immigrants.
My kid just sat down yesterday and listed all the shit that’s gone down in the last two months. Aside from Houston, and now Irma (and the two others sitting out in the Atlantic waiting their turn), the entire West burning, floods in S and E Asia, southern Europe experiencing unprecedented temperatures that are hot…
Cat: This is all mine now. I just let you live here because I don’t have the thumbs to open cans and boxes and turn on the tap for water.
Problem solved! Just use the arboretum (it HAS to have an arboretum!) as a giant litter box. That’s where all the classy cats go.
SHAKER KNIT SWEATERS. Down to your knees! With pastel pointy toed flats and loooong plastic pearl necklaces! And crimpy hair with waterfall bangs.
It must have remained unlived in since!
I was under the impression (based on why Kaia Gerber is now officially a thing) that 15 is too young for runway stuff.
He is the very definition of “bloviator”. Which is my favorite insult.
And the cat would never use it because they’re jerks like that.
This is always my first statement with places like that. “Bet it’s a bitch to keep clean.” I am no fun to talk to about fantasy homes.
Hi. Are you me? I also have two goldens and a cat and live in a house of that approximate size.
Curse you. Now I have to look.
I believe this to be true. There must be gold lavaliers draped over everything.
Don’t forget they’re asymmetric, and so never comfortable to look at.
Now THAT’S attention to detail and pride in work.