
Hahaa. Oh man. That guy’s so funny. It’s safe from the storm because JAIL! Get it? Don’t seek shelter because you’re being threatened with jail. Fuck. Sorry petty criminals of Polk County- you have a petty sheriff who is discouraging you from seeking safety. But it’s ok because it’s a joke!

Selective disastering is a perfectly reasonable thing to wish for. And, no, it doesn’t make you “just like them” to wish select shitty people get what’s coming to them.

I am no longer allowed to bet on any sports teams my friends support. Any time I put money on a team, they WILL lose.

I can imagine no one invites you to go to concerts any more.

Yep. I lived and worked in the shittiest part of town for almost a decade and he would not be out of place there. That’s a doorway sleeping, picking through the gutter for butts, arm swinging, head wobbling junkie. I’ve seen him in interviews and he could be used as textbook example for extra-pyramidal movement

Hope it pops. I know that’s not anatomically possible, but it’s what I wish for. I’m still working on my remote head exploding powers a la Scanners. You’ll know when I’m successful because it’ll be on TV and people will be cheering.

I just posted about this! It’s the End Times- and I don’t even believe in that shit. Poll- Is Trump the Beast or the Antichrist?

The sky here is yellow, there is ash falling and it has been pretty dark all day.We are getting smoke from Washington State. Which I guess is fair, seeing as how they got smoke from us a few weeks ago. It weirds me out to hear “local smoke” in a weather report. My two dogs are so nervous about the quality of light

“Braying” is a most excellent word.

Right? First thing I thought. WHY? HG is awful and pure hell month after month after month. She provided the heir and the spare- her job is done. A third baby is choice and not duty. That she’s willing to subject herself willingly to 24/7 extreme nausea is heroic. She must have abs of steel from the workout that

A friend and I were just talking about our misspent youth and basically agreed it was amazing we made it out relatively unscathed.

Oh, she really did. In my defense, I was 21 and had no idea how to take advice or make good choices. I have grown up since!

As a former 21 year old yourself, I am sure you understand the thought processes and “wisdom” of a person of that age. No, I did not possess the good sense to take the advice of my cat. I have since grown up!

Why should they bother when they have minions to wait on them and and foot?

Female cats spray too. My terrible ex was a victim of this. Whenever he came over, she would mark his stuff with pee that did not smell at all like normal pee. She hated him.

This picture makes Bowie look smart. He is not.

I’m hoping for another raid by the plebs like last year.

Some folks (my cat) believes things can only be improved by the addition of cat hair.

I say! I SAY! I said nothing of the sort. For all I know, you are dripping in models and do nothing but sit poolside all day living your best and most beautiful life.

I’m not sure why I, a non-runner with bad knees, was toodling around that particular website;