Carpeted and soundproofed.
Carpeted and soundproofed.
I like this kind of math!
Plus, she lied. She claimed something that wasn’t hers to claim in any way shape or form. She took up valuable space that was not rightly hers. She claimed as her own the suffering of a group of people to legitimize her taking up space where she had no right to be, and in doing so took that spot from another person…
Holy shit. Nuance? Thoughtfulness? Understanding all angles? Understanding that it’s a complex issue? Why, it’s just too much to bear!
I wish I could find a link to an interview I heard a while back on the CBC. It was with a dude who went to Germany to perform at some festival- thinking he was there to share and teach about his roots and culture. But he ended up finding it a weird mix of fetishizing imagined Native culture and outright caricature…
Bring me all the magic jeebus juice. I have need.
NOPE! I saw a comment on a News and Guts post that mentioned HRC’s emails and bleach just this very afternoon.
It’s just not entertaining enough for kids who have been fed a steady diet of “reality” shows and google and instant gratification. Besides, what’s in it for them?
Hang on a second. That doesn’t fit the avocado toast consuming frivolous millennial I’ve been hearing so much about.
I noticed it as well. A complete inability to see the humanity of anyone. People are foils and backup to his performance/
I heard 17 minutes of ad breaks. My uncle was quite philosophical about it though- now he won’t get yelled at for talking during the show and just saves it up for commercial break.
You could probably remove Canada from that. The way this country has collectively treated the original residents right up to this day is nothing short of horrifying.
AND she put on...runners. Her achilles tendons must be killing her having to walk flat footed like normal people do.
It’s something I’ve noticed, particularly with this disaster. Trump has an inability to recognize the humanity of anyone. He does not see actual people, nor can he recognize their experience. He thinks he’s doing good, being a cheerleader- ALL POSITIVE STUFF, GOOD TEAM WORK, GOOD, THE BEST!!!- but what people actually…
Right? It’s not flat screens and handbags. It’s the necessities of life. But maybe I have no idea how much the re-sale is on slightly water damaged boxes of crackers and baby food?
Prosperity preachers are vermin and the exact opposite to genuine Christianity. There better the a fire and brimstone hell for these con artists. In the meantime, I shall console myself with Tweets from Joel Dongsteen. It replaces “God” with “Your dick” and it is beautiful.
That’s totally what I thought too!
See also: Ottawa Redblacks.
My people say ok- but won’t fully commit ‘til they know if you mean ripple chips or not and if you’d accept ketchup as a possible alternate.
Likely not many ponies at all. Our military best get paid in maple syrup, toques and sled dogs up here. Or if you really want to go all out, maybe a ski-doo?