
As a Canadian, I would like to offer you our top few snipers. I think we have a couple of super duper ones up here.

Can the grape juice be fermented?

Obviously someone who missed that week of Grade 9 Social Studies where they cover different types of political philosophies.

That’s a helluva choice- A jackass who cuts himself by accident and seeks to blame someone else because he was embarrassed he shouldn’t be trusted with knives. Or a jackass who deliberately set out to harm the reputation and safety of an already targeted group of people.

Please tell me her name is one she picked herself. A parent should not be doing that to a child. Major Brand Name + Location on a Map =/= Good Name

Baby voiced boy singer who always sounds like he’s complaining when he sings. Think he got his start via youtubery.

Holy shit. Brutal. Excellent analysis.

That comparison didn’t even make any sense to me when that was floated. Idris Elba owns his space with ease and grace and holy shit is he ever a dude who looks like he embraces the sensual. Tom Hiddleston plays that “I’m lovable because I’m awkward.” card that sets my teeth on edge.

Deadspin is bizarre. I ran into a serious discussion about the best Madonna songs in a thread there. Twilight zone.

This pleases me to no end. I will go back and hunt that down.

Artisanal. You need to use that word too. Also- thoughtfully curated and uniquely distressed bespoke pieces.

FUCKING HELL! Can we move on from fake distressed shit? It makes me feel old to go shopping and having to reject shit that’s already ripped! If I want ripped stuff I’ll do it myself thankyouverymuch.

This is how I always work out my beefs with anyone. Isn’t that how everyone resolves things?

Needs more steam!

I am very disappointed in myself for knowing who this is.

Thank you for your service.

Police are no longer keepers of the peace and protectors of citizens. They are there to keep citizens in line.

The above photo represents my offspring and their friend group accurately- just picture more of them, along with a token “normie” who wears rugby shirts and has nondescript light brown hair. They are by no means the “cool kids” but are not the weirdos grouping together for safety they would have been when I was at

So very.

That diversity is bullying?