Um. Yes?
Um. Yes?
Thank you. “actress” is stretching it a bit. See also her career as a writer of fiction ( My Gap Year ).
That caught me too. Like, they labelled it a thing that their readers have zero connection to or capability of.
If it’s Government sanctioned, it’s not terrorism, it’s law enforcement and “heritage” appreciation. /s
Yep. I did hear that one. And, yes, he was an amazing interviewer.
I once observed a person lean WAY over a barrier at the ROM to diddle away on the keys of a harpsichord from the 1700s. There is no hope for such people.
These are also the type of people who also group pose in front of German prison camp gates doing the Nazi salute. Reason has fallen out somewhere along the way.
Simple solution would be to send them to wherever there are installations that celebrate Confederate things. “For sure, crazy person- Plonk that kid right on up on that horse! No? How about perching them on Gen. Lee’s arm! Ok, entire family- all lean on that commemorative statue of the noble South. Whoops!”
If only to prompt further reaction from Perry. I live for this shit. I am shallow.
“Cunt” is a broader term, and I enjoy using it immensely when appropriate. However, the word “Bint” has a particular tone of dismissal to it, and I stand by my original word choice.
Buffy the movie is excellent and contains one of the best death scenes ever. And Firefly was a revelation for me. However, knowing who he actually is creates an immediate “Can’t enjoy ever again” response. Just like Jian Gomeshi’s show.
Tom Hanks appears to be quite lovely. However, his son leaves a fair amount to be desired.
I know. I know. I realized as I was writing it and my dog was staring at me lovingly (the cat was glaring though, I will admit). Animals are better than these guys. I should substitute “monster” for animal. Every animal I’ve ever met or observed has gone about it’s non racist, reasonable and completely legitimate…
For all the people who don’t believe these guys are a threat. For all the people who don’t believe they even exist. For all the people who think minorities are making too big a deal or playing the victim card.
That too.
Her bravery is monolithic. Calmly conducting an interview with someone who is threatening death by his hands right to her face? She’s a pro, and deserving of accolades. And HE thinks he’s superior? He’s an animal pretending to be human and not quite managing.
Looked to me immediately that they were claiming the space and rattling cages. The fact they felt they could stroll on in, with their MAGA hats and blonde highlights and claim they were victims is disgusting. The young man who grabbed one of their hats should be commended on his control. But he shouldn’t have to have…
Surely being a priest gets you a few extra passes? Or does that just make it worse. Shit, I don’t know. If the Lord took up everyone who believes they’re going to get Raptured, the world would be a better place.
I am the person rooting for the orcas when I hear about them mugging fishing boats in the Bering sea. I know it would spell their demise to start including human in their diet, but a girl can get excited with the thought.
Thank you for posting this. I came here armed with the same argument. Doesn’t matter how mercenary and calculated she was- he pursued sex with a minor. That’s illegal, full stop.