
Yes. But he had to carefully consider all the sides first. Which can take days. Because the issue of nazis vs not nazis is nuanced and he’s a really thoughtful and intelligent guy and wants to make sure all sides matter. (insert fart sound here)

Trump: Yes. Lots of people are talking about him. His ratings are growing because I told people about him. Actually, I’ve considered him for Secretary of Urban Historical Golfing Affairs. I think he’d be really good, do good things there.

Yeah, you just need a fine arts student to make up bullshit descriptions to justify any type of statue or art installation. My recollection of art school was pulling all nighters to create some sort of “art” where the description always ends up being more carefully crafted and creative than the actual piece. Like, put

It’s been at least three whole days since I last saw a “But the Irish!” comment. I am amazed, really. And yours doesn’t count, because it’s not being shouted into the ether by a spitty talking nazi.

I realized quite late in my pregnancy that I actually hated kids. It was a bit of a shock. However, I like my kid just fine, thank god. But other kids are awful. Even my nephews are mostly intolerable.

The fuck with all these “y” names anyhow? In my small to medium size child having days it was all Cody, Cory, Kelly...with a few Masons and Keegans thrown in.

Hey! Trump also had one of those “I hope...” conversations with James Comey before Comey got fired. What we learned, when someone says “I hope...” is that they don’t actually mean it (according to Trump and his apologists/translators).

Trump- “She’s a fat old bag. No more than a 2 anyhow. SAD”

Excellent idea! Or just tell him that Obama either put them all up, or thinks they’re awesome statues, and Trump’ll bust a vein trying to get them all down in record time.

Well, it’s really turned out great, what with Duterte and all.

Pretty sure he’d find it acceptable if someone whispered in his ear that they are only taking the statues down to allow for placement of statues of him instead. He’d be all over it then.

See also: cheap metal and skin issues.

Yeah, but it’s her word against his, He’s a cop, therefore 1000 times more trustworthy than a ho.

Because they are the easiest targets. They are the public face of sex trafficking already, so it’s great pr to haul off all those women from brothels and street corners. They also have the least recourse when targeted. Who’s going to believe a ho?

Hoping someone quietly gets into his club and changes out the fake Time covers he has framed in there and puts some of these in instead. Or billboards on every highway.

Thanks for the repost. Holy shit- what an excellent series of explanations, with the very kind intent of calmly and clearly explaining to someone aching for an argument- a whole lot of energy went into that and I sincerely hope it wasn’t entirely in vain, given the ignorant responses.

Probably hanging out with his gay friend, just waiting to be pulled out as an “I’m not racist and/or a homophobe.” disclaimer the next time he’s a violent dipshit.

As watching it completely straight is almost like having an acid trip already, it really doesn’t change the viewing experience that much.

Once was enough, let me tell you. “It’s not a tumor!” is actually etched in my brain due to drug assisted neural connections.

Solid work, beenhere. I hope your husband knows how fortunate he is. That a nurse, who has very likely seen it ALL, had a compliment for you means a lot.