
My kid was up Island from you till today (camp counselor near Campbell R.), and took loads of pictures. Photos just don’t do it justice thought. The sun was AMAZING this evening- like, scarlet red. I’ve never seen anything like it.

We’re actually out in New West. Also, yes- sangria on the patio is a delight. No fireworks where we are though- we can sometimes hear a rumble. One of our dogs is ill equipped for such things (fireworks, storms, real estate signs at night, bottle collectors with shopping carts) so no fireworks is just fine. Enjoy your

I feel the need to add, pantsless man has washboard abs. He clearly engages his core when lifting. The fact we can see washboard from across the alley and a large courtyard tells me they are quite defined. His taste in rugby shirts is kind of off putting, but not a complete deal breaker.

They drink wine, so we’re not sure about the Christianity. Also, they do have a young woman over quite often- and she was dancing with shirtless dude. So, you’re in with a chance for #3 gf spot. Actually, that would be great if we could have an operative in there to let us know what is going on.

Naw. We did an assessment- We have a patio socked in by vines and wrought iron and we are slightly above them. The light hits our building, while theirs is in the shade. They have zero idea.

Usually he’s shirtless (like ALL the damn time), but sometimes he mixes it up and dons a striped preppy rugby shirt and loses the pants and swings free. They’ve lived across the way for almost 2 years now. It’s our favorite pastime to watch them and try to figure out who they are. My husband is giving it another few

Jesus. That’s terrible. Please come to my house for drinks on the patio. I guarantee two enthusiastic golden retrievers and an aloof cat who always manages to be lurking close by because you owe him crackers for tolerating you in his life.

I still maintain that Phelps and the shark should have been in the pool together. You can’t tell me Phelps wouldn’t have shaved a few seconds off his best time with a little incentive.

Am with you. The sheer breathtaking spectacle and show of power is exhilarating to watch. Peds or not, these dudes represent the pinnacle of their sport- explosive kinetic energy.

Cheetah! It’s got to be another land animal. Too hard for a shark to run on dry land...

He’s got years ahead of him. A torn hamstring is something that needs time to heal (if that’s indeed what it is).

As long as there is a shark involved, I’m in!

His stride is unbelievable. Everyone else can move their limbs at the same speed, his stride just goes further each time.

**Armstrong used. Everyone at the time (and still do, just different peds) used. Armstrong was a thug and a bully who ruined quite a few people, so folks were more willing to throw him under the bus.

SURE DOES! Whatever people have, if it isn’t clenched tight, there’s something wrong.

wigglewigglewiggle. I heard the same damn song and no thank you very much.

The whole thing damn near climbed up into my rib cage to keep itself safe.

She was no family woman, that’s for sure. But boy oh boy, I can admire her from afar. She was a literal dragon in the fact she also hoarded treasure. My dad and his brothers are still shoveling out the basement and attic of the family home almost two years later. So far, the treasures include a violin bow made by a

She was. But also a terrifyingly judgmental dragon of a woman.

To be quite honest, she was terrifying at best. A mind like a steel trap and never satisfied with any one of her offspring or of their offspring- a frustrated genius who resented her role in life as mother and wife, an elementary school teacher who disapproved of children in general and an absolutely vicious snob. She