
Jared Kushner told congressional interns (??) that the Trump campaign was too disorganized to collude with Russia. 

It’s really the only acceptable excuse. “Not my fault! My brain is just a petri dish of various molds and unchecked bacterial growth!” *shuffles off to bite someone...

Oh. That’s terrible. And also perfect. That dog doesn’t need to change the angle one bit.

Purchased from the last minute rack behind the cashier at Safeway. It was a toss up between that and an Amazon gift card.

Favorite response over there: What would I have to bang him with?

Living on the West Coast of Canada, I agree. I keep waking up wondering if N Korea is lobbing shit our way and would we have the time to prepare ourselves. N Korea is notoriously bad at aim, so being the meat sandwiched between Alaska and the entire west coast of the States, I wouldn’t be surprised if we got hit.

Having plowed through the first 3 seasons of Orphan Black- and been amazed at the actors contained therein- I can envision Tatiana Meslany shouting “I DID IT FIRST!” and then running around taking pot shots at Noomi Rapace while channeling Helena.

Perfect answer.

Bananas. Buh. Na. Nas.

Does the Bingo card include “But the Irish!” anywhere on it?

Well, they can’t really believe your experience because you are most likely hysterical and unable to make objective observations of your own symptoms and experience. Your minder probably has a good handle on it though, so you should let him speak for you. /s

I would like to say “Fuck that guy.” Also, depression and hair trigger anger is part of post-concussion. Brain inflammation is a complete fucker (and anything from a ding to a bell ring, right on up to major TBI caused inflammation).

You ask a very good question and gets right into the heart of the matter. Ask any woman who has eventually been diagnosed with a very real and not at all imaginary disease or health condition how many times they’ve been told it was actually anxiety/depression. Or ask a mother who has concerns for their child’s health

The fact the two of them got spoon tattoos tells me the story is a bit deeper than reported by E! There’s a “thing” with spoons symbolizing long term chronic conditions. See here: Spoon Theory

But how are people supposed to identify the douchebags without the tiger/dolphin selfie? THAT’S WHAT THEY DO and provides a quick visual for who to weed out.

Dinsmore is a criminal justice major who hopes to someday be in the FBI...

Uh. No, the NHL is not protecting the players. They’re protecting their investment in the bodies of young men who make them A WHOLE BUNCH of money. What happens to these men once they no longer provide good value is where the issue lies.

Yep. Or cancer research with tobacco company funding. The results of any study would be in question if the source of funding is a group with a financial interest in the outcome. Hope the NIH finds another source of funding- this is important work.

Gravity always weighs you down, yo.

I know! “Well, some of our best producers are black!” is this production’s black friend excuse. Hoping their hamfisted attempt at justifying does not carry through to the show itself. It could be an excellent exploration of the parallels of reality today and the terrible history of slavery that is a huge part of how