
Congrats on discovering a fitness goal that continues to inspire you. The health benefits you are gaining will last you a lifetime of strong muscles, denser bones and better sleep and mood stuff. I love the fact it was a gaming character that inspiring. My kid ALWAYS plays her in Overwatch.

I have a niece who moved from Canada to Australia to be a part of Hllsong. She is fully immersed in what appears to be a Pentecostal cult. Just because they’re Christian, doesn’t mean it’s not a cult, with all the culty things that go along with it. Bieber lends them credibility in a huge way. He is the ultimate “get”

My psychiatrist says it’s very likely Trump has been using Tenuate (Amfepramone) for years. Apparently there are some tics that are a dead giveaway. If Mooch is modelling himself so closely after Trump, he’s probably taking something similar...

Burn. It. Down.

I have promised, on several occasions, to get my backsliding ass back to church on many occasions if God would just give me a sign. Because I am a bit thick when confronting spiritual hints, it would have to be a pretty spectacular and obvious message. Like certain people bursting into flame when invoking His name, or

Go and clean up your mess and THEN you can have your popsicle.

Pretty sure I didn’t say I wanted him to. I said I was waiting. I take no joy in young people self destructing.

I think there are going to be a whole bunch of people surprised when the Rapture comes and they don’t get their tickets punched along with the real devout folk. I hope I’m still around to see it.

He’s got a shit tonne more to lose if one of the last things he does is make life infinitely more miserable and dangerous for American citizens. He may not have to answer to his party or his constituents much longer, but he will definitely have to answer to the higher power he seems to invoke when it comes to trying

OK. It wasn’t just me. It’s like they just miked up a toddler and gave them a popsicle.

“Oh. What happened to your little arm?”

In the grand scheme of things, you sure are. Doesn’t make it feel any better though, I bet. Having that little critter lurking in your nervous system, only to come out when you are your most run down can’t be great, regardless.

It can be a rash for some, but others it can be limiting. My hubbie has the virus, but it’s not really a problem. My sister on the other hand is LAID LOW whenever it flares up. Like, she’s not functional for a few days. She takes an antiviral, but it fucks her up big time.

My now husband told me on our second date that he had herpes. He wanted to make sure there were no secrets and full disclosure. He hadn’t been told by the person who exposed him to the virus, and he wanted to make sure he didn’t do the same thing to any future partner. It made me appreciate and respect him even more.

30 days sober is outstanding.

Ugh, and now I’m empathizing with Justin Bieber. Curses

My mum was the same way. Fine at work, though a bit difficult to “like”. She was just as happy to be left in solitude to do her work. Her ragers were saved for home and family.

I admit, I hate him about as much as others seem to hate Nickleback. My hatred is performative and filled with overblown hyperbole and stated embarrassment we share the same country of origin. However, I can also acknowledge his humanity, and understand how fucked up a kid with mental illness can get if confronted

I look at photos of them when they first became “news”, and now, and they have both aged at least 20 years. I am so sad for them. I don’t agree with their choices, but I completely understand their drive to explore and do everything possible, in their minds, to ensure their child’s survival.

I think the kid has some serious mental illness going on. I actually feel sorry for him. I keep waiting for him to go publicly and spectacularly off the rails, a la Brittney Spears/Lyndsey Lohan/Kanye, etc, but so far he’s been managed pretty carefully. He’s got a lot of people who are dependent on him for their