
This girl also had a pretty serious eating disorder. I would hesitate to judge her, as it’s pretty evident there was some terrible shit that went on when she was growing up and it’s has damaged her profoundly.

That dude had a major Pygmalion vibe going on. She was super young and he took advantage of her. It seems like she was seriously stunted by that.

Jesus. No originality.

Why has no one written “BOOBS” anywhere on this?

Is this real? IS IT? Where can I get this?

It’s all really funny and stuff, but that dog is likely a stray. There are multiple charities that administer to, and rescue, dogs from the streets of Turkey’s cities. Istanbul alone has 100,000 street dogs. There are some efforts to spay and neuter, then return to the streets. Other times thousands are rounded up

As it should be. You can do all sorts of crazy shit safely- if you are educated about how stuff works and what can be done to mitigate risk. Abstinence only (which, to be fair, is effective IF it’s actually practiced- which is an unreasonable expectation) does not educate kids about their bodies and sexual safety, nor

Good call! More or less of one thing doesn’t necessarily mean an immediate effect on the other. Maybe kids are being smarter due to a concerted effort by PP and other enlightened groups and parents from a very young age. Sometimes it takes years to see education and awareness take effect.

I also read there are lower levels of teen drinking and pot use as well. It’s like they’re not even teenagers any more.

This is a wonderful idea. I think someone needs to make an online, print out coloring book and will post the best ones people send back. I love that shit. And I can guarantee you, people are feeling creative these days.

Heroism comes in many forms.

No fibre will do that to you. YOU HAVE TO EAT VEGETABES, MAN.

No. You are not too old! The Cure is the best shoe gazer music out there and provided me at least part of the soundtrack of my youth. Martin Shkreli does not deserve The Cure.

Sure Gaga is super stoked to be used in defense of Shkreli. Who appears to be just an absolutely vile piece of shit. I rarely wish harm upon people- except for Trump and his minions, but are they actually people?

It’s one I keep forgetting and then remembering again at the most appropriate time. It prevents me from overusing it. It’s good to be old sometimes!

As the friend of a person in his 20's who dropped dead of a heart attack after doing coke, I wish it would happen to Trump too. My friend hated Trump, Robin Leach and all the people who moved in those circles. Trump dropping dead of the same thing would be a fitting tribute to my friend.

I really do try to give the benefit of the doubt most of the time. I should probably stop.

No. I don’t. And I doubt she does either. Imagine him crouched over you crooning “Yellow” out of tune and keeping regular time.

Good. Maybe she’ll give him some singing lessons. He’s awful without the full might of a sound and recording engineering team behind him.

Please don’t forget his wide reaching power to destroy many lives around the world through his bull in a china shop approach to diplomacy, the environment and idea that corporations should be left unfettered by pesky laws and ethical oversight. He has destabilized the entire world and famine, war, disease and