
Good for you. I am fully in support. This man has the power to hurt so many people. This man has already ruined others’ businesses and lives when in the private sector with childish glee. He’s responsible for mayhem and is an active and deliberate destroyer of individuals, businesses and communities. He is the living

Melania. Is that you?

Your grandpa probably held off the worst with his multiple languages and high intelligence to begin with. Known fact well educated, literate and multilanguage speakers usually have slower progression. Good for your grandpa.

Imagine being the spouse of someone like Spicer or Huckabee-Sanders and having to look at them lie for a living. Or explaining to your kids about why dad/mum were telling such porkies? I have a teen, and that shit wouldn’t fly for long before teenaged angst dictated a “You’re a liar and a hypocrite” call out and a

To be fair, having my kid really did sort the endo out for quite a while afterwards. However, that’s not an appropriate thing to tell a kid who was not sexually active and it should not be presented as a “healing” option. I was a late bloomer- likely because I was stubborn and didn’t want to make a decision based,

I never ever understood that showing the pee stick thing. It’s weird? “Hey, I’m pregnant” works great. Or maybe a card. Not something that’s had pee on it.

blows raspberry

What? You didn’t get the “The only thing that will actually help you is to have a baby.”? Because I was informed that’s how both my PCOS and endometriosis would be cured- and definitely NOT the birth control I was there for (and had to actually go to a different gyno get in the end). Then I got a pat on the knee. I

Also, they poop babies out.


He seems hilarious. While I know someone will jump into any comment I make to tell me just how shitty he was (and I know that so many poli’s are CROOKED CROOKETY CROOKS and violators of human rights, so it’s likely he’s done terrible things) he does seem like a dude who might be blustery and boastful fun for a couple


Ride on mower or power assist lawn mower? If neither, push mower? I need to be prepared for the inevitable “I worked so haaaard.” if a push mower is used. Which is fine. He does have a streak of martyrdom that he has been cultivating for years. He is anti-leaf blower and will only use a rake. If you require a leaf

I have no idea either! This thread of the conversation devolved into cats and dogs (but surprisingly not symbolic of the progressive/orthodox divide). Oh internet...

I find it’s more emphasis than italics. Italics to me says to say something with slight sarcasm, but not as much as air quotes. Bold indicates that maybe you think the reader is going to miss something. There can be nuance read in text (in my own head, I don’t speak for anyone else!).

That is a major bummer. I am so sorry. Lyme. I’ve run across a few people in the neurology world who have been stricken with Lyme, and that’s a quiet disaster that’s growing every year. I hope your other disease symptoms were not as serious as the taste/smell loss and that you have fully recovered otherwise.

I think he actually has tapes, but his advisers have likely discovered something illegal about their content or how they came into existence. Like, is it allowed to record someone without their knowledge and you are not in intelligence or law enforcement?

You are a good parent and responsible human being.

More like Senate Bill 666, amirite?