That looks brilliant!
That looks brilliant!
I use part caps for emphasis. But emphasis ONLY. Not anything else.
Parental oversight is unpaid labour. You need to complain to your union rep.
Glad my two dogs are too dumb to figure out stuff exists above their heads.
Yeah, that’s a component in medicine I would not be able to do. I spoke to a neurologist once in the clinic (unrelated) I worked at who changed his profession to something non medical because he realized his job was basically telling people what terrible thing was wrong with them, that there was no chance of getting…
It literally could be a person bumping into you on the street. It’s one of those weird things. I knew a bike courier who got doored and the same thing happened. He survived, but was without O2 for long enough that he was a little simpler when he recovered and lost his sense of taste and smell.
Vet antibiotics are available and work in humans too. We have an “Oh shit!” kit and various meds have been sourced from a variety of places. Finding a sympathetic vet is a good way to get them.
Yeah, what about that guy in (insert African country here) who provides for his entire family of 13 by selling (insert some sort of random product here made of plastic bags) and walks 4 miles into town on his hands because he had polio as a child? He’s thankful because he knows it could be worse.
A kid in my grade 6 class died like this. She got nailed in the chest with a volleyball and keeled over in front of the entire gym class. The teacher was so distraught she took a leave and never came back. It’s such a senseless and random thing and there’s no way to predict who will respond in such a way, or in what…
Pet sitting is good coin for kids. Mine earned some decent cash sitting over the last few summers till they got a “real job last Fall.
The sheer nerve of that guy. This was a woman - an elder of his- who has gone through the Holocaust. Which, to my admittedly ignorant observation, is the single most tragic and horrifying thing to happen to the Jewish people as a whole in living memory. She literally suffered so much more than you, dude, for her…
That’s almost like you were asking for a box of kittens to be left on your porch! I have a neighbour that view that as a challenge.
Cats raised by/with dogs are the best. We have a cat that thinks he’s a dog, but with special furniture privileges and first taste with anything in anyone’s food bowls. He’s 14 lbs and constantly tries to get something started with our ultra polite 100 lb golden. He’s a benevolent dictator, because he will bring the…
They exist in Vancouver, Canada. There’s a group of 7 of them that sing and dance every once in a while. They seem a bit listless about the whole thing. Ascetic Veganism doesn’t give you enough energy to really be enthusiastic and go hard.
If we’re talking strictly financial drain here, just the two biggest things they do is generate tourist money and charitable works. I think folk like to shit on the monarchy because it’s easy target- they do stand out. Someone, if it hasn’t been done already, should do a cost benefit taking into account the tourism…
Me Too! Like, are they better in Kentucky? I bet there are WAY better chicken places.
West Coast of Canada. There’s a Cheesecake Factory in Seattle, but we usually bypass Seattle and head to Portland these days if we’re road trippin’.
Simple grandma one is to ask any grandchild over the age of 5 if they need to go pee before they go out/are in public. Extra points for if they’re with friends or are a teenager in public in close proximity to a member of the opposite sex/someone they might be attracted to.
God. I wish I’d thought of that. Mine graduates in two days, so it’s too late. I regret missed opportunity.
You may have him on Friday and Saturday nights and all day Sunday. He snores a lot and I need a break and time to watch my tv programs. He’s pretty handy with tools, so Sunday can be chore day- just let him know what you need doing. He doesn’t talk too much, but does like a beer or two when he’s done.