
It could be your face isn’t the right shape for the mask- different straps or a different mast entirely might work better. There are other brands than resmed that may be more appropriate. It’s SUCH a bitch to find the right one. I feel for you.

This is what I ended up getting too!

I wish this one had worked for me. My mouth hung open and all the air justwent in through my nose and blew out my mouth. Not even a chin strap helped.

You mask isn’t fitting if it’s blowing into your eyes (I totally understand- mine did too. I ended up with perpetually bloodshot eyes without all the fun of being stoned). Top straps need to be tighter, or you need a different mask. I went through 8 before finding the one that fits best. Maybe try a nasal one instead?

Yeah. We were concerned about that. Our kid is queer- and very openly so- and there were a few moments. The time he started talking very loudly about a billboard that was on private land that was just “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” in a cafe in “Someplace”, Utah and we received many raised eyebrows and an

Dude be trolling.

This is a really interesting statement- and there’s really no disputing it. There’s nowhere else to go now as the entire world has been circled at least once. Mars? Just wait it out and that’ll happen next.

Nuance. HA! But I definitely think syphilis is involved. Good call.

I will agree- but only to a point. Humans don’t have fur and therefore will forever be in the shadow of these critters.

Pretty sure Jesus didn’t get a set of wheels with his cross. Like, if you’re going to go the uber Commitment to Christ Cross Marathon thing, drag that fucker. Wheels is cheating. Sorry. God and Jesus will doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion, dude.

I am going to crack my first beer on my Friday and do just that. I approach with great anticipation of hilarity.

I just keep shouting “Vile, VILE! FUCKING MURDERERS!” every time something new comes out. The poor guy whose fridge started the whole damn thing is devastated. I feel the need to add that people had been complaining to the management about faulty appliances for years too. So, they created more than just a fire trap.

Thank you for the explanation. KIDS THESE DAYS. They look like a combo goth/candy ravers. As I say, adorable! If I was 16, I would be all for it.

Right? Sprinklers are good. Even if the “water” they spray out is bright red or black with rust (as they usually are). Your stuff is toast, regardless, due to smoke damage. The difference between sprinklers and not sprinklers being you are ALIVE! Or the fire is dampened long enough for you to get the fucking cat

Mind you, just outside one of the most comprehensive and well organized dinosaur museums, there’s a dude who set up his own museum to counter all that fake evolution stuff.

That would be an awesome floor show! Is that Miley?

Oh THEY ARE SO ADORABLE! I missed the “emo” (these are emo people, right?) years but do appreciate a good counter culture fashion rebellion. Sadly, in my day, we were just called “alternative” and basically dressed how we liked- skaters, shoegazers, electronica enthusiasts, mods, punks, and so on. Simpler days.

But was countered by a defiant band from Manchester calling themselves the Happy Mondays. Screw you, Garfield!

This is where having a non-political figurehead is absolutely beneficial. This is where the British royals shine- times of disaster and war.

The management company indicated they didn’t install sprinklers because the residents complained it would be too disruptive. Which is bullshit. The management company decided not to do it because it was too expensive and it cut into their profit.