
My husband was astounded that nothing had been decided by now. Bill Cosby should have been convicted by his own words, according to him. I’m like, this is what some people heard “He’s famous and they’re all bitches who want the fame.”, regardless of what was presented to them. People could be confronted with footage

I have to say, while it isn’t legacy furniture, it’s still better than stuff sold for twice its price in some of the usual big furniture stores. We once felt a bit richer than in our student days and decided to move a step up to one of the “better” furniture stores and the armchair we got as a result was a fucking

If it had anything to do with her relationship with Lance Armstrong, I’m up for it regardless. A joke at his expense is always welcome.

I was going to say...Beer goggles aren’t just a thing at bars and nightclubs. Sometimes it’s the only way to enjoy a game when your team is playing like 3 legged donkeys.

Henceforth to be claimed as the real lyrics, and the only ones I’m going to sing aggressively loud in order to make sure everyone around me knows the real lyrics too.

That was our biggest sticking point too (and the real reason we didn’t get them). My husband produced court level arguments about why just a microwave would be fine, but I remained steadfast. All horizontal space was taken up as usable counter space (literally just enough space for a cutting board). So they sit under

I insisted that if my husband wanted a microwave, I needed a toaster oven. And if I couldn’t have a toaster oven, no microwave was entering the house. I look back on this now and realize: 

I will agree with you that Montreal bagels are the absolute best! I am extremely fortunate that in my little backwater suburb next to Vancouver has the great fortune of having a tiny closet of a Montreal poutine, smoked meat sandwich and steamie (hot dogs) place that ships in its supplies in from Montreal every week.

That’s super interesting. It’s like he hopes people will actually believe him if he just keeps hammering away at it enough times. Sadly, it seems to be working for his supporters.

Now playing

Anyone else notice he’s using bigger words recently? The thesaurus is getting a work out now that he realizes people think he’s dumb based on his SAD MAD BAD level of language skills. Repeating the same word, even if it’s more than 4 letters long, is a dead give away.

Why my husband withdrew his membership when his dad died. The dad was a vile, abusive bigot who terrorized his children and wife and pretty much everyone he met, but still had his express ticket to heaven. His dad’s sister, who was a total angel and delight, worked tirelessly to better the lives of children, and

You are absolutely invited! My dream is to break in at night and take the ball pit for a test drive. I was deprived as a child. My kid (17 and knows everything) tells me ball pits are vile petri dishes of childhood diseases and tries to ruin my joy. I won’t let him.

Someone needs to set up a hide and seek at Ikea game. And call it “Thunderdome” in your honour. We’re on the lamo West Coast of Canada, so our Ikea experiences are a bit sedate compared to others. I will forever treasure a serious “Tsk” I received by accidentally making a farting sound when I sat down on a leather

You know what? Give it a try once. It’s like Vegas- either you’ll walk away going “Well, been to Vegas and ticked it off my list.” or you’ll want to go back at least once a year because it just plain feels good to go there.

We have birds overwinter here (BC) that used to only winter in California a decade ago.

Filled with the water overflowing from ‘de Nile.

Stop with your science.

Their genetic disease doesn’t appear to have a cognitive component, but it kind of sounds like maybe they do? Losing 15' of coastline yearly due to erosion sounds pretty comprehensively obvious something is going on.

Yep. I gave my (once) toddler son grass fed free range mild and he took a drink, looked at me and said “MMMMM ICE CREAMMMMMM!!!!” and it was just milk. That shit just tastes better.

We had one tv. And it was in the livingroom- like civilized people and not at all like the Andersens down the street who were savages that let their kids have one in their room that we were not totally jealous of especially because they had a converter with 30 different buttons and a 20' cable so they could change