
meat contamination

apples and mandarins

Excuse me sir, that stiff has a name and its Nicky Delmonico

in other words, he fought the easy fights

Rosenstein is no ally to the #resistance and never will be. He’s proved himself more than happy to sign off on whatever legal pretexts are necessary for Trump to avoid impeachment.

Did they find the only photo of her where her arms are inside sleeves?

You really don’t think Donj will be the new face of the GOP by then?


The NYT story on this seems to imply that the boss wanted a fall guy for that Chinese operative who walked right through the checkpoints at his Palm Beach trash palace.

Look, I’m not saying that careerism and greed are mutually exclusive. What I’m saying is that the cowardly behavior we see coming from centrist dems has to have a more complex explanation than being mere greed. These people have an ideology and a supporting social infrastructure around them that lets them reassure

Hey again. I don’t disagree that Bustos and her supporters are carcinogens, but your analysis here once again characteristically lacks nuance. Isn’t it at once more plausible, constructive, and damning to argue that, rather than being puppets dancing to the tune of a monolithic donor class, Bustos et al actually are *c

Could you please elaborate a little bit on what exactly the tactical / strategic benefits of pumping the brakes are in this instance? Court fights are long — why not file these subpoenas ASAP to get the legal ball rolling?

OK, well, I suppose this disagreement comes down to different working definitions of corruption. I do agree with you that Pelosi seems to see it as her job to defend the interests of the health insurance industry, and that this is inexcusable. I just don’t think it helps the cause of kicking her to the curb when we

fuck you, I agree.

“There is no way anyone is as stupid as Nancy Pelosi acts.”

I’m no fan of Pelosi, but could we please stop it with this conspiracist nonsense? Centrist neolibs love to see this kind of paranoid thinking on the left because it lets them present their naive and idealistic worldview as serious by comparison.  

The only (useless) audience this DNA test could possibly appease are reactionary centrists like the Davids Brooks and Gergen


The fact that the call was leaked by an anonymous sycophant who describes Mike freaking Pompeo as “valuing each and every person” suggests that the substance of the advice was far less important than the appearance of seeking and obtaining it

Here’s a way of putting it that might get through to you: the students who are protesting have a legitimate stake in their campus. Indeed, it may shock you to learn that many go into significant financial debt to attend college, especially a well-regarded liberal arts school like L&C. These students aren’t paying