shiba emu

my unmarried guess is a lot of them get married to “fix” the relationship.

Judges have to be forced to take women seriously. It sucks, but considering how low the sentences are for rape cases, I honestly think this is the lesser evil.

You can’t change sexist judges opinions, you can change the law to make sure the punishment fits the crime. I’m for this being a positive thing. But I also have zero sympathy for rapists and as we all know the chance of rape being reported, prosecuted and sentenced are incredibly small, so I doubt this is going to

This is even funnier when read in Mrs. Garrett’s voice.

But this doesn’t matter at all because she is a woman and he is a man. His supporters mock Hillary for having a cheating husband and have no problem with their guy being a cheater himself. They see zero contradiction there.

You know what, the NRA should be forced to pay all medical bills of any child shot by a gun. Every single medical bill. Fuck the NRA. Fuck them right in their fucking faces.

I think he’s pointing out that he was arrested without the police feeling a need to shoot him, in comparison to many nonwhites.

Not to mention the large amount of money that’s siphoned off to these non-tax paying churches that could be used to improve the community. Due to the current folly of having schools paid for by property tax dollars it does not serve us well to have churches on every damn corner not paying taxes and contributing to the

I love the end of the livestream I saw where the cops pull his mask off in front of everyone and then basically parade him in front of the people he was antagonizing. The kid looks TERRIFIED and it is sooooo very satisfying.

This reaction is exactly why they released a still frame instead of the entire video.

pro-life advocates fear the procedure will result in the disposal of a growing number of fertilized embryos

I’m pretty sure I am going to win this. I lived with all of the roommates below in on campus apartment style housing in a single school year:

My first dorm roommate was a senior who was dating a junior at a local HS and wasn’t around very often, but I would have to leave when she would visit. He moved out after the first quarter (because who wants semesters) and for the next quarter, had the dorm to myself. Came back from spring break and new roommate was

Reading public posts on a social media platform isn’t “spying”.

Four years ago, shortly after the Sandy Hook shootings, I went to my kindergartener nephew’s winter concert- and found not a snowflake in sight. The entire fucking concert was about keeping safe; that’s what they were singing about (my nephew’s class sang “S-A-F-E” to the tune from “YMCA”). There was a general air of

Not a horror story, but my first year roommate:


Best meme I’ve seen in a long time:

McCain’s ex-campaign manager put it best: Trump brought 20 minutes of material to a 90-minute debate.

Well, sometimes, but only when its a super obviously dressed down chick who gets a makeover three quarters of the way through and becomes a total smokeshow