shiba emu

i tend to agree. not to mention, mandatory minimums for something like drugs or prostitution are punishing people who are largely non-violent offenders, a disproportionate percentage of whom are poc... rape, on the other hand, is a violent crime, one that barely gets any convictions at all. so... i would imagine that

this. this wins. i can’t stop laughing.

[takes off glasses] [shakes out ponytail] [is now a bombshell]

ha, sorry, i rage-stroked out after the first sentence and went temporarily blind, my bad. i mean, it’s a fair point that people don’t need to MATCH, especially since attractiveness is subjective and all that. but also, when it’s imbalanced in film or tv, it’s always skewed towards hot woman/tragic guy. so it’d be

mother’s name is ladye, pronounced “lady”, so...

because it’s never the schlubby woman getting the hot guy, ever.

i actually wash my feet the minute i get home from work, separately from taking a shower. i don’t want to put on my house slippers with dirty feet.

It’s 50/50 in Hollywood.

i must admit, the first time i saw the pictures was when i scrolled past them without fully paying attention, and it startled me because in the picture taken from the driver’s side, at a quick glance, that woman definitely looks dead.

the irony of saying “words have meaning” but being unable to differentiate between different forms of your/you’re. if you’re going to be pedantic and inflexible at least be consistently so.