shiba emu

And it wasn’t as bad for people north of 23rd or 34th or 42nd, or 110th, etc. It’s a meaningless point to try to compare the emotional impact or trauma of how far removed you are/were geographically from Ground Zero. The only reason for anybody to ever claim ownership of it is to create the mythology that they are in

He’s reached the point where patriotism and being a “true American” means that you had to personally be in NYC and witness the New York attacks as they happened.

I love it when New Yorkers, especially this dip shit son of a mob lawyer, claim ownership over 9/11. I especially love it when they try to deny any ownership to a person who, for all we know, was sitting in a building that was targeted by United 93.

You were there that day, Rudy? I’m sorry! I didn’t know that. I’ve


Typical locker room stuff, guys. All men do it.

Legal doesn’t mean it’s not predatory.

I’m the prick who will flat out call people out for their links, stats, the whole nine to illustrate why that person is being an ignorant fuck. I am over ‘respecting’ people’s right to be horrible racist sexist asshats and it has done my fb thinning for me. They unfriend

I don’t know but the frothing at the mouth abridged bible reading maniacs are really getting off their chains lately. Had a lady lecture me on being a “lady”, being a “christian” and then threatened to shoot me in the libtard face to round shit out nicely.

Asher thanks you for the kind words. He is my own personal bat cat!

It couldn’t possibly be because one is a woman and the other is black. Nope nope, not at all. It can’t be that when it comes down to it, Republicans will always favor a rich white dude over anyone else.

As I was growing up, people were always trying to talk about their sexual conquests, and trying to make themselves appear, you know, like a Don... Casanova. I’m surprised you haven’t heard that. I really am.

Trevor Noah nailed this one perfectly: there is a massive difference between using obscene language to talk about your totally consensual sexual experiences and talking about sexually assaulting someone. Is the first one kinda shitty, depending on the situation? Yea. Do your friends probably want you to shut up

Interesting how this affects this unimportant guy’s cushy job, but the basket of deplorables that makes up Trump’s base has no problem with their PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE speaking in this manner.

You get a star for using a gif of the beautiful Brian Kinney.

Agree. I think they all had their moments and quirks that made them awful, but I love that they were like that. People are always like, “None of those guys are good enough for Rory!” as if Rory is some sort of saint. Personally, out of the three, I’m Team Logan. Yeah, he was a jerk sometimes, but I liked how they

Ugh no. Classic “nice guy.” And that shit he pulled pretending he didn’t know her when he was dating her friend like they had some profound history?

I’m like “You guys do realize you are playing a video game primarly marketed at children, right?” I’m loling so hard at these folks who seem aghast by a Pokemon that doesn’t seem manly enough.

FUN FACT: The West Wing used the Gilmore Girls set to film the New Hampshire scene in In The Shadow of Two Gunmen (Season 2, Episode 1).

That should be illegal. Straight up fucking illegal.

How dare you insinuate I am not a real person! Bobby Finger real. Bobby Finger actual human man. Do not doubt Bobby Finger.