shiba emu

How has “backpack full of unrefrigerated squirrel meat” NOT been used as a Trump epithet on this site?

I think it’s Trump’s gaslighting that’s made me most insane. And the way his lemmings just nod along- how can anyone trust them ever again, on absolutely anything?

What blows my mind are the people who are going, “Trump won that debate. He mopped the floor with her.”

It’s also gaslighting extraordinaire- regardless of the cause, we all heard and saw him sniffling.

It would have been awesome if Holt addressed an ISIS question and used “Daesh” instead. I bet that would have been an “...and what is Aleppo?” moment for Trump.

There was no doubt Clinton would come prepared. It’s like she’s running for one of the most important positions in the nation if not the world as President of the United States. You’d have to be a completely inexcusable moron with tiny hands to do bad in these debates.

Not many people know this but Milwaukee actually comes from an old Ojibwe word meaning “Yeah, but what about Black on Black crime?”

I just read a report earlier that said Ford is already planning to dig tunnels under the wall to get those cars out of Mexico. That way, they’ll avoid paying that tax because they are smart.

I dug it when Trump talked for his two minutes, then interrupted her at the start of her two minutes, before Lester finally cut him off - and Clinton said: “I assume you’ll restart the clock, Lester”.

Who’s more sensitive, someone who experiences emotional distress at discussions of sexual assault, or someone who experiences emotional distress over a sign warning people who might feel emotional distress at discussions of sexual assault?

so thats what a seventh degree burn looks like...

Wolfensohn? I think she can just go by “Wolf” now.

Seeing people type “walla” instead of “voila” makes me irrationally angry.

“Walla?” They mean voila, no? Jesus that’s painful for so many reasons.

Also, dismissing experts in the field and instead going with non-experts who validate your personal beliefs.

If you think Brad and Angelina were fighting over Marion Cotillard, turn to page 32. If you think Brad and Angelina were fighting over moving to Syria, turn to page 45.

She saw I was sketched out, and hugged me, to comfort me, I guess.

“Welcome home,” the roach said to its new companion. “I have traveled far and wide - from the toilet to the garbage, to the wilds underneath the couch - and now I have found you, Donald.”

#notalllatinas think he’s a great monster! Some of us think he’s a flatulant small handed impotent monster who has to wear diapers at night and cries in the shower, who only messes up facts because he never learned to read and only hates brown people because he’s never properly figured out how to tan his skin enough,

a hunk of beef jerky that rolls under the couch and is left there to harden, becoming covered in dust and cat hair until a cockroach takes it back to its lair and makes it his wife