
Maybe you’re just my long lost twin?  Let’s be friends!

Here’s my prediction... Know-it-all Donnie T will stop taking his medicine because he knows better than his doctors. He’s boxed himself in by leaving Walter Reed early so he can’t go back without looking weak and dumb. He will ignore advice of the doctors all week as his condition slowly deteriorates. He will also

I like telling the story about how it came to be that I peed in the bushes on my college campus - which probably is not that uncommon of an experience, except that it was broad daylight and I was sober. Okay so I’m not a paranoid or conspiracy theory believing person generally, but this incident felt extremely

Thank you for your hard work & for speaking his language. I am sure it was comforting to your patient.🌻

Honestly I am just so fucking angry at posts like this. At Biden’s age I hope to be curled up by a fire, reading a book and drinking wine, while my grandkids play close by. This man is stepping up to try to save our country, after unimaginable grief, at what is likely the end of his life. I didn’t vote for him in any

I hear you. It’s very hurtful and frustrating, and perhaps you’re not sure about her motivation?

I’m going to share the biggest truth that I shared as a kid, and was never believed:

I work at a casino that was recently acquired by a large corporation. They’re reopening Monday, are limited to 50 guests (who have to book a 2hr timeslot), no food/drink service, and only 30 unionized (no idea how many non-union employees, but they can’t do union work) out of nearly 800, and no table games.

I had a similar upbringing and similar fantasy about being adopted and such. I used to tell people I was an alien. In retrospect, reallll subtle. I saw hand-pushed lawnmowers at the hardware store and told my mom and brother that those were what people used for transportation on my home planet, like a Segway of sorts.

Shit, I’d tell that lie TODAY and then go hang out in a hotel room for a week and watch space movies so I could fake details when I got home. 

The writing reminded me of MFA program writing. He lost me at “streaming past boulders on an outgoing tide.” 

A few weeks ago, the media noticed that Kate Middleton clearly had spent some time on a beach or tanning bed during quarantine. She and William were giving a Zoom speech on how strong “we” should continue to be strong and thanking first responders.

I just read that aloud to my young adult son, and we both cried after talking about what all that really means— Black people not being issued a birth certificate by a state government official (or not being allowed to contest a clerical error on one, in her mom’s case) is the equivalent of saying that no, you don’t

Does your sister have an inferiority complex? I’m not being insulting, at least not trying to be. I’ve just found that certain folks seem to have a knee jerk dislike and distrust of people they perceive to be erudite. For some reason, certain folks see anyone smarter than them — especially if that person knows they’re

Yep. Many of the flavors that were lightly stocked to begin with. Many of the flavors that stores stocked only 3 or 4 at a time are gone now.

Is that why Cherry Coke Zero seems to be out everywhere? Even the plastic bottles are missing.

And the more groups that join “those people,” the more special the remaining ones feel (of course he hates them just as much, but they don’t believe it.) 

For real. I was engaged in my 20s and my fiance broke it off because of his cold feet. He told his friends I was the one that ended it. You know how I found out? Because one of his g-d friends confronted me over it in the parking lot at the grocery store. I was so stunned I don’t think I even bothered to correct him.

Ellen has a weird habit of pushing alcohol on people. I saw a Chris Pratt interview where they talked about his weight loss and action hero transformation and then she presented him with a whole tray of Fireball shots. She insisted he have some when he explicitly said he didn’t really drink it anymore, and refused to

He is only 34. Not crazy to think at that age he hasn’t lost a parent, sibling or close friend. I am just a few years older and that is true for me. Grandparents are in a different league, because they leave us when they are old and it is expected — I don’t think anyone expects there 43 year old friend to die.