
“If she wants to identify this way, she is more than entitled.”

The vaccine was not rushed. This type of vaccine (mRNA instructions) was developed about 10 years ago for SARS during the Obama administration. However, SARS faded out after running its course, so the technology wasn’t rolled out on a mass scale until last year.

I personally know two couples who decided to get a divorce after 30+ years together since covid hit - one discovered there was another woman, and one discovered a very well-concealed addiction. It’s been a revealing time, to say the least.


I have no idea, because a break up is the denial of access to another person’s life and thoughts and feelings. They are foreclosed to you. So instead, what I carry around with me is something him-like but fundamentally not him

This statement...

To act like some families don’t use gifts in passive-aggressive and manipulative ways ignores the reality of lots of people’s lives.

Anybody thinking Big Baby Cheezus could pull off a “coup” is deluding themselves, dude is lazier than shit and intimidated by stairs

My dad yelled at me when he found out I had been parking in a parking garage all summer while I was interning in downtown Baltimore because it made me a target for no the patriarchy and my wealthy white classmates’ entitlement is what actually put me at risk, not using a parking garage. Also there was

Also, how many of these missing kids, were white? That makes a difference. I recall while living in central Florida, some pretty white girl went missing, and it was all the news could talk about for weeks. I’m certain multiple minority children who had gone missing, never got that sort of media attention.

With Florida the issue is more specific. You have a lot of 2nd and 3rd generation Cuban exiles, also mixed with the odd asylum seeker from Cuba who hated Castro. While what came before Castro was worse, it’s also hard not to understand why they hate Cuba’s current regime.

We’re roughly the same age (I was born in ‘75) and to this day I’m still shocked by stories from my millennial friends about how they weren’t allowed to go anywhere unattended and had to routinely check in with their parents via cell phones. It’s possible it had to do with where I grew up - the near suburbs of of a

I still remember the password my family decided on, for an unfamiliar adult to recite to me or my brother if they needed to collect us in place of my parents. My parents also had “kidnap cards” prepared with our identifying physical traits, fingerprints and hair samples, ready to hand over to the police at a moments

I was a latchkey kid in the 70s and early 80s. I spent sooo much time goofing off with my friends all over the neighborhood, totally unsupervised. Rode the bus or my bike all over town — a small city of about a million people at the time. When my peers started breeding in the 90s I couldn’t understand “playdates” —

Loved this article. I’m right on the line between Gen X and millennial, and yes, growing up in this milieu was deeply weird and unsettling I think for all of us. I wasn’t an evangelical, I was a California foster kid kicked around between different placements, but I felt it, too. Social workers were very much aware of

I was also under the impression this was very tied up with shifting cultural norms, like divorce and working mothers. A lot of the Satanic abuse was supposedly centered around daycare centers. Fears around divorce and daycare seamlessly rolled into the terrible “Mommy Wars” of the 90s, and may have given birth to the

From The Guardian:

Not exactly a disaster, but one of those “unexpected side effects” things.

When I was 9 years old, I decided that I wanted to be the alien queen from ‘Aliens’ (Don’t ask me how a nine-year-old managed to see aliens when it came out, I literally don’t remember the circumstances. Although I do remember that I distinctly had the goal of watching it out of spite, because I was so angry that it

Strapped for cash as a university student, I figured I nailed the economical-but-fun genre by deciding to go as a bag of leaves. It was seasonal and appropriate! I would be cute! The maples behind my residence provided the required foliage, garbage bags were around for the taking and I added newspaper for stuffing. I