
“You're mourning fiction" is just so well put.

It was actually great. 9 year old you was awesome. 

I couldn't make it past 10 seconds of that video. There's no way that's sustainable for an everyday show. It's like a parody of a talk show all the way down to the outfit choices. 

So maybe divert funds from the failed war on drugs and over incarceration of non violent drug offenses to counseling services. Unless of course you think they're a lost cause. 

Just send a message or text letting them know you were thinking about them. It’ll probably mean more than you realize.

Were you not turned on by your spouse or just has other issues and the feeling of not being wanted was unwanted?

Are all the Walmarts and restaurants closed? If not it seems like a certain type of worker will be left out.

I wish this was real. 

Are they going somewhere else? 


It didn't work for Kim and Kanye

“If your cause is just, you don’t have to lie.”

This. What you said. Short and sweet. 

That was the best thing I've read in a long time. Fuckin amazing you are.

That someone who is black and gay has a nuanced outlook and might be a Bernie supporter shouldn't be surprising.

Thank you for that rabbit hole. The linked articles on the linked articles were as interesting as the original one you posted. I totally forgot that it all started with a Kim Kardashian post. 

no one goes to campaign websites to learn about a candidate’s positions”

I’ve gone through a similar situation with my husband and the cleaning thing. He works and physical job and I don’t so I would hesitate to complain but my anger would compound over time. What has helped is asking him to clean up personal kitchen messes. Like, dude could you please clean up your nacho mess at halftime

I thought he sent explicit photos of himself to Mac Miller before the suicide which was one of the reasons they broke up.

You can't be serious.