
We were playing baseball in gym class in about 6th grade and my dick teacher yelled at me, “You swing like a girl!”

The most important part of that speech has been glossed over by lots of media outlets, which makes sense because it is a kind of underrated point.

You know, it doesn’t even have to be particularly strong leadership - just basic leadership would do, but Trump fails miserably even at the most straightforward and basic levels of leadership. He’s incapable of delegating properly or making use of his subordinates (ie letting them do their jobs), he surrounds himself

The further we get from the statistical blip that was America right after WWII and the “nuclear family,” the more desperate these clowns are to pretend that everything was ALWAYS THAT WAY UNTIL THEM GODLESS LIBRULS CAME.

This wasn’t gross, it just made me really sad. I was riding my bike on a local path in a very large city park. There were public restrooms at various intervals. It was around 8am on a weekday because I was going to class. I happened to glance up and about 50 yards ahead I noticed a man walking out of the restroom door,

I mean, Beiber was thrust into the spotlight at, what, 12, by asshole fame-seeking parents and got rich and famous at an age most of us were still being told when we had to go to bed by our parents. Yeah, not everyone in that situation is gonna turn out to be an asshole but you don’t think his messed up adolescence

I’m more concerned that any one of them may have bipolar disorder and struggle to get proper treatment because of his refusal to do so. It’s genetic, so it wouldn’t be shocking that at least one of them has it. My father passed it on to me, and I went until 19 without being diagnosed because he doesn't believe in

Love to live in a country where justice is dependent on an octogenarian not dying because she didn’t retire as a septuagenarian

Your guidelines for choosing a good muffin seem very clear and spot on! I feel confident I could choose a good muffin for you based on what you’ve just shared. I’m really picky about certain things (well, mostly everything in my life, but I like to think it’s because I have excellent taste and very high standards lol)

Actually wanted to reply because I commented above that her posts make me uncomfortable. I don’t think the discomfort with it (mine, anyway) is because her posts are indicative of mental illness. For me, it’s that she posts things that make me instinctively flinch and think she’s going to get ragged for it. It’s

I didn’t like how Chip used the cancer analogy. He basically said he’d never experienced racism but now that he knew about it, he was going to write checks. Really, Chip? You’ve experienced racism, but in your life, as a white man, it’s a positive thing. It’s this gentle wind that pushes you from behind. You get

She chose to run errands in her uniform because she thought it would get her special treatment (Free Meals/First Responders Discount/Move to the front of a line) and her immediate response not getting any of those perks triggers a PTSD type of meltdown? GOOD.

Anyone that has a sobbing meltdown over waiting for fast food needs to have their gun removed and to have their fitness for duty evaluated. 

What is it you think iPhones do? They allow you to communicate with your friends (i.e. socialise), watch interesting videos or play games (i.e. pursue hobbies and/or learn a new skill), read a book (i.e. read a book) and also work or relax.

90 Day Fiance is every bit as trashy and filled with awful people you can’t stop watching that also is relatively diverse and (if you watch it this way) offers a scathing indictment of the ignorance that has been fostered in these closing years of the American empire and how it’s only a matter of time before the rest

Take away all the villains and you get... The Great British Bake-Off?


Ok, Cops cancelled, good, Live PD cancelled, even better, but please please leave First 48 alone. 

In 2020 in America, according to the president, kneeling during the national anthem is so disrespectful to the American military as to be borderline treason, and anyone who does it is a son of a bitch who should be fired, but the legacy of ACTUAL TRAITORS responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of

And yet you voluntarily clicked on this article anyway. Brilliant.

and that’s okay! There’s an implicit ‘if Black people are around you’ attached to the statement. Consider also: the internet— with the caveat that I don’t want you to go out and try to collect Black friends like Pokemon.