She was weird will be carved into my tomb

I think it is hard to blame companies for not wanting to send their female employees to Georgia. What if, god forbid, one of their pregnant employees miscarries, and these dolts refuse to do an abortion because the fetus “might still be viable”? Or their employee gets charged with murder for miscarrying? Gets raped

This. We can complain about capitalism later. This is huge. 

I don’t care if it’s a publicity grub, big companies do those all the time and have zero obligation to also make them socially aware. Not sure if this will actually be an ad shown on TV or just a web exclusive, but this may very well be the first depiction of a trans man that Joe Everyday has ever seen. That is huge.

I have no idea what conflict is being talked about here beyond what was written in the above article, but it seems strange for an article in Jezebel to start off by complaining that a criticism waged by another woman about a website criticizing women (even if limited to their fashion choices) shouldn’t exist b/c WOMEN

I do get that there are the random and scary abductions, rapes, weird guy in the bushes.  It’s why my mom also had me take self defense classes when I was in college.  It’s a good skill to know.  Thankfully I haven’t had to use such lessons in real life.  But I’m also a bit jaded, because despite doing things like

My dad was an equities analyst, and he always lied about what he did, because if he didn’t, people always asked for stock market advice. He said, “And there’s no upside to that. If you give advice and it works out, you won’t get a thank-you. If it doesn’t work out, you will absolutely be blamed.”

I work for a government department that is...controversial and disliked...and just don’t want to tell people. A colleague was once kicked out of a taxi on the side of a freeway after saying where he worked. I either avoid it, or give incredibly vague answers. Apparently, that has made people think/assume I’m a spy.

This story is my favorite.

Awww poor kiddo. You handled it awesome. I have some hellacious burn scars on my upper chest that really are from a ridiculous cooking accident. Strangers don’t generally ask but I have had a few people be curious after I’ve got to know them. I now have the story and the pantomiming down perfectly to explain the story

My job isn’t and shouldn’t be controversial, but with some people it can be. I’m deeply grateful that the name of my company and the way we market ourselves sounds so baffling and my job title and description is so nebulous. Especially with older people that I work with frequently for charity foundations on my own

My son did something similar when he was a child. As a toddler, he was attacked by a dog. This left him with significant facial scars. He hated the questions from adults & kids. I get kids being curious but adults should know better. It was hard on him and he didn’t know how to respond. He really just wanted to be

Created this burner to share a secret I’ve kept to myself for many years.

I was 8 and I’d gotten locked out of my house (this was back in the early 90's when you could be an 8 year old latchkey kid and no one cared). Hey Dude was on and I really wanted to see the next episode, so I tried all the windows to find one that would be unlocked. Unfortunately I couldn’t get to the windows because

I told a small lie on a resume that then became a complicated lie.

She used a comb as an eating utensil? So she pulled a reverse Little Mermaid?

Your story rocks as does your screen name.

I salute you fellow nerd!!!! *high five*

I LOVE THIS! Plain, nerdy girls FTW!

Just like Daddy's!

I am a gay man. When I was in college I had one-night stand with a fellow collegian.