She was weird will be carved into my tomb

Bernie said a really dumb thing though when asked if he knew about it “I was a little busy campaigning” it was flip and sarcastic. And shitty. He should have said “the buck stops with me and I need to do better” end of statement.

This was a stupid fucking stunt. it’s the same thing as when Pence and Mother flew to Indiana for a football game and then immediately left when players took a knee. What did these two dunces think they were going to see?

corset-wearers generally lived longer than the average life expectancy for the time periods.

I think this is your best work to date.

Pecker, Cohen, and Trump, just three men in a room talking about hush money payments.”

This article speaks far more about the length women have to go to protect themselves from stalkers than anything privacy related. The law does not protect us and that’s terrifying.

I wish the biggest problem I had with this story was that Jezebel’s resident grammar god got drunk and died at her desk.

Jezebel’s Politics is flatlining. I have no idea why the invasive technology this site uses to sell me shit is more morally self-aware than Taylor Swift’s attempt to try and save her own fucking life.

Not sure what this has to do with politics, but she’s got stalkers plural. I got no problem with this.

I am sure that you have been wondering what Bruce Springsteen’s thoughts on the 2020 election are and reader, wait no longer: He is pretty sure that Trump is going to win. Sorry!”

You’re absolutely right. People are different. As I understand it, that’s what Republicans have a problem with.

I get the point of this theoretically, but in my heart I believe it does not serve me or anyone else to willingly be invisible. I fight it enough in my daily life as it is.

I’m sure the Ombudsman understands memes, they are all in advertising! I don’t understand why this post and that company assumes the Ombudsman are a bunch of old fogeys who’ve lived in a cave cut off from internet and popular culture the past 50 years. That meme IS sexist, it DOES perpetuate negative gender stereotypes

I don’t mean to sidetrack from the issue but it drives me nuts, as a Deaf man, that a website that touts and makes hay from touting (or ramming down) progressive ideals constantly pushes out podcasts without transcripts or videos without captions.

[I haven’t seen the film, but while it was widely praised, it seems to me the only “new and different” aspect of Crazy Rich Asians was its willingness to cast an entire movie with characters of Asian descent,]

Also, like, he’s a fox. That man is welcome in my Seat of Government at any time.

How............ is this the topic of an article on a website.

Well, to be fair, that level of misogyny proves he really understood John Updike’s vision. 

Huh.  So that’s what Ben Shapiro looks like.  I don’t know what I was expecting, but I never pictured him having the face of a mean 8th grader.

Please understand that all antibiotics (and all medications) have risks and benefits, but don’t imply that “if your doc is handing out cipro for a UTI, at this point they should know better.” You also need to know the local drug resistance profile to know what you should be prescribing. Where I work, E. coli (the