Sherlock Homey


Whatever, haters, I still love Anne Hathaway.

Was he ever charged?

Wow, that's a scarily accurate flowchart of the Fatty Internet Defense Mechanism. Well done, madam.

Man I don't know what I find funnier; the immediate hive-mind leap to your defense, or the automatic assumption that I'm a dude. epic lolz.

Cue the reactionary idiots complaining about what other people are saying that actually hasn't been said...

You're forcing people to rely on stereotypes in these questions and then when they rely on stereotypes you're like "OMG DON'T USE STEREOTYPES".

Old Testament or Kirkland Signature edition?

Look how sexy and confident this man is!

I like the black one.

He's a good ol' boy from Midland, Texas - they don't wear scarves! And he literally didn't understand the different ways it could be looped/knotted to provide both style and warmth to help survive January in DC.

I hate Improv Everywhere.

This will be a productive conversation that ends well.

because... it's completely unrelated?

Sorry not sorry but this is ridiculous.
For one thing, I'm a woman with tiny hands and I have a monster sized Note 3 and use it just fine. I have a 3 month old baby, so I'm usually using it one handed and that's just fine. I take pictures with one hand just fine. I have a dexterity problem with my hands and I can use

It's not just annoying and inconvenient; man hand-designed phones are actually interfering with women's ability to be journalists.

Really? Is this a real issue we're discussing here? Please tell me those is one of those joke issues/articles we all kind of laugh at. I mean nobody is forcing you to buy a massive phone, they come in many sizes.

Pictured: One in Ten Women.

Well crap. That makes my forehead tattoo a little embarrassing, then.