Sherlock Homey

Is winning a silver medal considered losing now?

I also hate Mickey Rooney! Looking at him makes me feel weird and uncomfortable, like I’m seeing something that just shouldn’t be.

You are failing to realize something: What you just wrote does not address Mitch Conner’s comment. What does the world being a strange place have to do with Boeing’s ability to track the planes it has made?

Ships create a lot of pollution.

There's a pretty strong argument that the ban on leaded gasoline led to lower crime rates. I've read quite a bit about it, and although there's no general consensus that high lead levels were causing criminal behavior, there is a lot of circumstantial evidence. It's a strong theory that is difficult to prove. Anyway,

I like my Royal Pro-Series All-Metal Upright. It's a tank!

I like my Royal Pro-Series All-Metal Upright. It's a tank!

the original RS article was doing just what you're suggesting. Kinda backfired this time.

She's especially kind in her support of Roman Polanski.

You have to have seen/heard of Key limes, right?

It's better than a resignation letter from 1988.

That letter is dated 1988. Do you have any sources that are a little more timely?

"But perhaps she didn’t realize that dressing up like an actual person is wrong for so many reasons?"

"But perhaps she didn’t realize that dressing up like an actual person is wrong for so many reasons?"

I don't see how this is a problem for Lululemon, considering the company is doing great.

But can you still love her after seeing THIS!

Vagina dentata perhaps?

What does this mean? Is there only one way to tie a scarf? Is there even a wrong way to tie a scarf? Why is it fun to tie a scarf? Why is it important he his from Texas? Do they not have scarves in Texas? I am so confused!

Lemongrab would sentence Beck to . . .