Sherlock Homey

I haven’t seen anything that indicates that Mayer had any idea of what she was doing.

I find it entirely probable that Yahoo thought it ranked among those giants.

In the states the cars have little gauges that tell you when your tank is getting low, and thus when you should refill it.

It’s chins allllll the way down.

It’s mesmerizing. He looks like he was extruded, rather than born.

It’s the ur-chin. It is somehow many and none at the same time.

Right because Uber makes any sense at all. Sorry man, I have an MBA, and Uber’s valuation is baffling. People are setting fire to barrels of money in the hope that somehow they will eventually manage to remove the human element (drivers) and build a giant fleet of autonomous cars while also staying ahead of everybody

I know that when I’m hiring someone for my own company, my first inquiry is not “are you competant? Are you qualified?” Instead it’s “are you interesting??”

A strong argument for the people who believe that white people shouldn’t say “woke”?

9. Hear an opinion or worldview different from your own, and actually listen to it without interrupting or losing your damn mind.

“it’s an investment in an idea”

I’m really confused here.

“Sodium lauryl sulfate is known to cause skin irritation to some who come in contact with the compound, and although it was once investigated by the American Cancer Society as a possible carcinogen. SLS, as it is also known, is found in many hair shampoos and toothpastes.”

She’s 34. How old did you expect her to look?

Her secret is sodium lauryl sulfates, rubbed directly into the skin.

There’s no way Fresh Choice isn’t the name of the section with the sad prepackaged wraps inside a gas station.

They mean that even after someone’s story is proven to be untrue and a fabrication, self-identifying as a “victim” should still net you special consideration and a completely baffling assumption of truth-telling.

When I started reading this story I was on the toilet, but I found it so raw and edgy that I fell off the toilet and shit myself. Then, laying on the floor in a puddle of Christmas shit, I took a selfie. I then made that shit selfie the wallpaper on my phone and computer. Cuz I'm twisted and dark, just like Jared Leto.

Seems to me I also need a job that will allow me the luxury of spending 30 minutes to get my coffee. Blogger live in such tiny little worlds. It must be wonderful.