Sherlock Homey

Well, at least we know Josh Romney doesn't have a problem with larger people. As long as he can still FEAST ON THEIR SOULS.

I know Rick James would. Too bad he's dead.

So she was empowered by doing two porn scenes. That teen mom girl must be empowered up the ass.

Sounds like you had a little crush on Mr. Deen and were hoping this experience would make you feel sexier, cooler and lead to more Twitter followers. Maybe it did. Sadly, none of this will help your comedy career or self-esteem in the long run :(

Just hope there's some A2M action.

Yeah, you lost me at "amazingly talented Bret Easton Ellis..."

I can't wait for her follow-up article: I Completely Regret Doing Porn.

You don't think Frederick Douglas was talking about Trent Richardson being inconsistent on short yardage?

Even for the quotes that are right, it's still pretty despicable that football teams (I'm sure the Browns aren't the only one) use quotes by people that were probably said in the context of fighting slavery or apartheid and not worried about defending Terrell Suggs on 3rd-and-long.

Because that would contradict Jezebel's usual modus operandi: cleverly ignore certain parts of any study such that the author's clickbait argument is substantiated.

Why call out men in the title if both the article and the study each go on to say it an issue that both sexes are guilty of?

I was just watching a documentary on the chimpanzee. I enjoyed watching the part where mumma chimpanzee put the placenta in a waterproof bag and then blogged about it. AHH NATURE.

"I've always wondered why all the resentment from that period of time is still present in modern USA"

I have sex because some women let me have sex with them.

"Crazy" is ableist in the same manner that "out-of-shape" is fat-shaming. Thankfully, it appears Jezebel isn't going to bow down for the language police.

I feel like if you're ever in a conversation with Wurtzel, this is basically your one line of defense: the smile and nod...