Sherlock Homey

So...we're analyzing the fact that we shouldn't be analyzing things?

Javier Bardem loves having dumbass haircuts, huh?

I am ashamed to say that I have been this angry. Blood rushing to your head, anger building, your body clenches, preparing for what's to come and in the end your rage takes over and you don't remember what you did. All you know is someone is on the ground.

I get it. Everything is faster now. Step aside, gramps. We grow up faster, we hook up faster, we grow crops faster, we learn how to fly helicopters faster JUST LIKE in The Matrix, and by the time you finish reading this, being 5 years old is going to be more like being 15 — that's how fucking fast the world is now!

Destroyed? I'm sorry, did roving bands of angry feminists come through and burn Steubenville to the ground, salting the earth on the way out? Nope! Two boys were put on trial, convicted, and sentenced. Adults were told to take responsibility for their role in what happened. As for Christmas day death threats, that is

It is de facto censorship. I'm not going to play the semantic games so popular here. It's cutting off communication because a small group doesn't like what's being said. That is always wrong.

If you make a workplace a PC wasteland and make it a comfortable place for women and people of color, you will miss out on golden innovations like Titstare. Its your choice, feminazis.

She's specifically says that Americanizing her face was the goal of the surgery. You're wrong. Just sit there in your wrongness & be wrong.

Easiest blind item EVER you guys...

You need a 6x6 space? I only need the space in my mind for willpower. I will myself sexy.

I don't think women who are astronauts WOULD ignore sound medical advice. They're like, literally the smartest people in the world. I imagine they have to work on that, though, if they ever want to have long-term space settlements or anything though. The whole irradiated ovaries thing would put something of a damper

Bc he had his answer and didn't need more information?

I might be with the Dude on this one. You exchanged pleasantries. Pleasantries were over. Where do you go from there if you are someone who doesn't like to text?

Next up on Jezebel: Jenny tweeted that Eric was fucking gay but Eric says that Jenny's a whore who gave David head during the homecoming game

People offended by this are people who will perpetually be offended by everything from here on out, forever and ever.

And ever.

Get over yourselves. This is hilarious.

Dude, your anecdotal experience in the bar/restaurant industry is totes a reliable basis upon which to make statements about an entire sex - or even the relationship between variables as complex as "sex and power".

I call "bullshit."

There's nothing wrong with being fat! Stop fat shaming children and poor people, Michelle Obama.

None of this keeps us safe, and any surveillance that can keep us safe can be done so abiding by the law. Terrorism is an infinitesimal danger, and it's not worth this type of Big Brother surveillance. It wouldn't be allowed to cut down on "murder" as a concept, why is terrorism different?