Shemp Marx


Yeah, you're right. Switching to Kinja doesn't sound so bad now.



Snitches get stitches.

God's running around burying fossils: "Ho ho!
We'll see who believes in me now, ha ha! I'm a prankster God. I am
killing me, ho ho ho!" You know? You die, you go to St. Peter:

Wow, mad props on making it out the other end of that shit. I shudder to think what I'd be like today if that happened, especially seeing how willful I am.

I thought his fight scenes were mostly fine. His major problem is he has very little variation in his facial expressions. Half the time he looks like he badly needs to go take a dump.

It was hobbled from the start. "We're going to do that democracy thing, but fuck plebiscites, amirite?"

Damnit, should've scrolled.

What do you mean, 'they're Neo-Nazis'? How can they be Neo-Nazis, they voted for me!

Yeah… Look, Donald, this is a multi-million dollar installation, okay? She can't make that kind of decision. She's just a model! Uh, no offense.

Well, I'm off to play the Rushmore soundtrack for the millionth time.

My social studies teacher in HS, when teaching the war of 1812, started with a line about how only 2 countries had ever defeated the US in a war: Canada and Vietnam.

I could certainly go for a "Fight Club's Jared Leto Special" on Stephen Miller.

Nah. It was the decision, on the eve of the most destructive global conflagration the world had ever seen, that the Soviets were worth wasting Trillions of dollars of defence spending on. Downhill from there.

It can be two things.

I think it has more to do with the fact that, six months in, the idea of giving Trump any benefits of the doubt is both horribly wrong and a waste of everybody's time.

2 Naked 2 Lunch

Pretty sure there's a decent percentage of toy lightsaber ownership too.