Shemp Marx

And this is why most rich people get cremated. Saves a ton of hassle later.

Well no, because she gave as good as she got. That is one of the best fistfight scenes I’ve ever seen.

Ugh, Beemers. Sadly, as my fellow Gen-Xers (well, the successful ones, anyway) have started hitting midlife, BMWs seem to be their toy of choice. I mean, I get it, but it’s not the 90s anymore.

...and editing doesn’t seem to work?

Honestly, all I’m really missing is nested replies. Unfortunately, there’s no extension for FF like there is for Chrome, so...fuck. (And no, I’m not switching.)


Perhaps, but the original now sits on the other side of the "commercial consolidation 80's", the "let's lay off a third of the working population 90's" and the "global terror and robot automation 21st century". The message may not have changed, but what we're able to do with that message has.

Yeah, but via coke dealers and high class escorts, they make sure all that fat Hollywood cash gets recirculated quickly. They're doing God's work.

Summed up my thoughts on the matter perfectly. There are no mainstream communities on the web that compare to this one.

Have you watched the show lately? It's so far off course it make middling fanfic look good. I'd worry less about it, GoT really is a molehill.

Not yet. Soon enough.

Yeah but we're not running the most powerful country on earth.

Drudge has been slipping of late. The old him wouldn't have been so brazen to label 7 months of work in a trashcan of an admin, with no notable achievements as "impressive".

Hahahahahaha, you foolish mortal. There is no peak wingnut.

By definition, a populist does not need to be smart or deep or nuanced.

I do like participatory art. Someone go add some glitter, please. Or pig excrement. Whatever works.


I was hoping Sam would make it in time so they'd have a wizard. Also, Jon's the Paladin and Tormund is the ranger.


That is dumb for so many reasons. This show sure does inspire some crack.