Shemp Marx

I had them destroyed! It brought shame to our house!

Fuck THIS Shit, amirite?

“Right Now” is a better song than any individual song released during the David Lee Roth era.

Let ‘em attach it to border wall funding. (And if they’d throw reauthorizing 245i in there while they’re at it, I’ll be even less mad.)

He graduated Magna Cum Donkey Sauce!

How about we make a deal? How about when the fake King  stops talking about armies of the dead day in and day out, maybe we can drop the Tyrion traitor scandal. But until then, I think I’m going to stay on it.

Corporate Synergy!

And to wear clocks, don’t forget the clocks!

If you loathe the 0.01%, the too big to fail banks, wall street, and the rest of that circle and the wealth inequality and more that central banking backing up fractional reserve banking drives then you should be on Andrew Jackson’s side. 

It’s like we won hatred bingo!

If people don’t want to know why dwarf attacks are on the rise it’s their fault.

Overrated film. Lack of jokes aside, it took forever for them to get to the party, partially due to an unecessary cops subplot, and the period dance was gross.

He’s like the Kinja of presidents: Ugly by design, never wants to work and is preoccupied with making everything a white space.

Maybe. Personally I think the need for an undead dragon came from the showrunners. Martin intends for the wall to come down with the magic horn they mention from time to time.

Seems a little harsh to criticize a guy whose mind moves at Llama speed; not everyone can operate at African Swallow or even Cheeetah.

At least he’s not Turtle, amirite?

By saving the rest of the GoT apocalypse for next season, they’ve aligned it nicely with the actual apocalypse.

both young guns movies with enrico morricone only...please.

Blazing Saddles is greater than Young Frankenstein. If for no other reason than having a larger point to make. YF for all it’s chops is just a fun little parody/pastiche. BS is making a statement - an important statement even 43 years later.

Oh dear sweet lord, you made it. I feel a little better.

WHO THE FK CAN DISLIKE THIS I CAN THINK Of 3 I am not sure if I spell them correctly