Shemp Marx

You are absolutely correct that the Confederate flag is a symbol of freedom. The freedom to own slaves.

The problem with just carrying a Nazi flag around 'for the lulz' is the same problem you'll have if you fuck a goat and claim it doesn't mean anything. You've still fucked a goat.

Oh shit! I'm leaving it in.

Dragon's blood vs pepper juice: "Bro, do you even lift?"

"Fuck it, these'll have to be sandals as well."

Young, mostly naked Fassbender is very easy on the yes.

If you're not already, you need to be watching Black Sails. Tom Hopper is great as Billy Bones.

Does he extract your teeth bare-handed, then lower you into a pool of of lava while cackling maniacally?

'I don't actually know why I'm typing this."

FWIW, I hate the book versions of the Sand Snakes way more than their TV counterparts. On the show, they're just annoying and pointless fodder, ie par for the course. In the books, they're a bunch of rich, pampered socialites jonesing for a good war. Imagine the Kardashian clan being all pro-Iraq invasion and you

The simplest explanation that the bolts aren't poisoned, is because no one on the show mentions it. It might be HBO, but it's still TV, and a certain amount of hand holding in this regard is always the norm.

He does fantastic face acting as well.

You'll never go broke assigning projection to frothing right-wingers.

Yeah, but everybody's so intense and shouty. If they'd dialed back the performances a bit and kept the tone on the lighter side, it might work as a cult classic.

She was glorious in that scene, but it would have been so much better if the slab of beef she was paired with had any charisma. Can you imagine that scene with Gerard Butler instead? The film reel would spontaneously combust!

You're taking it slightly out of context. For a Tarantino movie, it is indeed boring. If anyone else had made it, we'd lump it at the high end of "90s wannabe Tarantino movies".

I'll never understand why we want to shackle one of the best writer-directors of his generation to someone else's material. And again, if you pair up SLJ and DeNiro and the results are boring, you done fucked up.

Guess he was just too laid back for me.

Maybe. It's certainly too slavish an adaptation.

Your body will adjust over time. Works the other way around as well.