Shemp Marx

Counterpoint: It's not a Tarantino film. I don't what, exactly, it is, since it improves on the source material (I think EL is overrated), but any normal Tarantino movie featuring SLJ and DeNiro as partners in crime would never be this boring.

Exercise is only part of the solution though. Eating less is a real big help. And I don't mean "Don't eat that third donut", I mean eat as little as possible without cannibalizing your own body. Plus, there's tons of ancillary benefits to that approach.

Love that issue. Storm kicks Cyclop's ass while she's depowered.

I'm not sure I'm buying that. He literally got paid for a few months to do nothing but work out, had the best available trainer/equipment/nutrition money can buy, and doesn't actually have to do much except work out certain muscle groups so they look good.

I really wish Mustaine had stayed in the band. Their early stuff has a manic energy that was mostly gone by Master Of Puppets. Even 'Battery', easily my favourite song of theirs, is a little more leaden than it needs to be.

And hang a tie on the knob!

Honestly, only Out Of Sight could be considered a masterpiece.

Shit, that was 1997? I simultaneously feel old and am saddened that Metallica has now sucked far, far longer than it didn't.

You know, it's never really wise to make fun of drummers. These are guys who get paid to spend their lives hitting things over and over again with their hands and feet. They're literally martial artists.


Sure, not kitsch, and very much a juggernaut. But as a few people upthread have mentioned, there was that pre-internet geek/everyone else divide that limited how enthusiastic you could be depending on what crowd you were with.

It started happening earlier than that, IMO. By the late 80s, I was starting to get a bit sick of SW. In the UK at least, you could always count on them playing one of the movies at christmas, and in the nascent home video ownership boom, it seemed like every household had at least one or all three of them on hand.

Meh, even as a kid, I was cool with the music being semi-diegetic there. Seemed like a valid way of doing things.

BUT HER EM—*consumed by nuclear fire*

It's "I tell you hwat."

More like 2007 week, amirite?

Django Unchained is the likeliest pick for 2012, I think.

That's one of the reasons I love ACoK so much is you spend most of the book screaming at Tyrion/Cersei and Stannis/Renly to stop fighting with each other, especially when they could be unstoppable together.

Viserion is white/cream with gold detailing IIRC

That's the second time this season with Ebrose doing the same a couple episodes ago.