Shemp Marx

The monomyth covers all

….aaaaand for some reason I have an A-Team/GoT mashup going on in my head now.

MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION: So, what's your wish, kid?
KID: What is the 'Gig Economy'?

Thanks, came here to say that. He's not making a joke, he's overjoyed to be reunited with a friend with whom he's shared many awesome adventures. Hulk might be antagonistic, but he's still one of the most important people in Thor's life.

Agreed. The London episodes are a turning point since everyone gets a personality transplant after that.

Another interesting thing is that, as the show goes on, Joey and Rachel pretty much take over from Phoebe and Chandler as the more consistent generators of laughs.

Kinda was in Skyfall.

Man, I really don't know. I sure as hell didn't expect the clusterfuck to be this bad this quickly into his term, so trying to predict the next 3.5 years is almost pointless.


"Letting Trump step all over his dick and staying out of the way was literally the Democratic strategy in the 2016 election."

I don't get the 'politically' argument. When you have the gift of Trump stepping on his dick every other day, and the majority of his party scrambling behind trying to explain how he's actually not, you stay the fuck out of the way.

Considering Schumer was considered squishy as fuck, congressional Dems have been pretty solid so far.

Seeeecret Seeervice…come out and plaaaaay!


Meddle is highly underrated as well.

Agreed, but I think that Dark Side beats it on that problem.

Yeah, but unlike Boomers, we don't have decades of propaganda propping up how awesome we are.


No shit. Boomers voted overwhelmingly for Thatcher and Reagan.

*Limp Bizkit barges in, shits itself, grins triumphantly, ushers in the 21st century 4 years too early*