Shemp Marx

That's not even the best part. Go watch some ATHF clips or find some choice Master Shake quotes, and you'll have some serious deja vu.

Since way back in last year, I've read most of Trumps rambling, incoherent diatribes in Master Shake's voice.

Actually, that is pretty funny.

…I'm not getting the joke.


Not entirely fair. The narcissism and navel gazing has always been a part of human culture. Like with everything else, all the internet did was lower the cost of being able to indulge in it.

Yeah, but unlike Twitter, Amazon actually provides a useful service.

…said nobody on the internet, ever.

The part where he sold out River and Simon was a bit of a giveaway.

Same with Garfield. The earlier strips are a bit more anarchic and acerbic, and he hadn't pared down the art yet to those simple, rounded lines.

Fuck you for thinking of that and fuck you for making me laugh thinking of that.

Ding Ding! Rod, please tell our contestant what he's won.

Really? I always figured it was a grass stain someone colour shaded in Photoshop. *gif of Homer Simpson slowly backing into the bushes*

I feel the same way about Ron Howard.

Fucker needs to learn how to delegate then. How else am I going to get pictures where it looks like Trump shat himself?


According to a friend of mine, he's convinced Euron is the valonquar. So, uh, watch out and don't pay any attention to Jamie, I guess.


Pff, spend enough time in conservative circles, and they're happy to go way further than that. Chappaquiddick and the 17th amendment are two favourite topics of discussion, for example.

Well, except that, as the quoted bit says, that money's being specifically appropriated from something useful. Nobody's pinching any pennies from the DEA or ICE in this administration. Small government my ass.