Shemp Marx

"Haha, yeah, that there was a policy that would surely stand the test of time."

"Pain or damage don't end the world.
Or wraiths or fucking demons.
The world ends when the Old Gods are summoned,
And use your hand for a key.
Stand it like a Beast and give some back!"

Upvoted for dacoit. Haven't seen that word in forever.

Heh, if all it takes is one click to be a 'stalker', maybe that insult isn't as useful as you think it is.

Lol, that's one way to slink away from a discussion. So long friend!

Lol, methinks you protest too much.

Dude, if you don't think progressives blasting Hillary is hurtful, your loss.

Ahem. Exit polls aren't just used to gauge who people voted for and why they voted for them, they're also contrasted against previous exit polls in order to get a picture of how demographics have shifted, new voter trends, and figuring out who didn't show from last time. Hope that helps.

You unethical toad. No apology, just bile. You are a disgrace.

Riiiiight, because this is the first time I've seen the argument that the anti-PC backlash was a fundamental force in getting Trump elected. Fun fact: this argument isn't grounded in any sort of real-world data, demographics or exit polls, which makes it all the funnier.

California calls shenanigans.

"the hysterical overreaction by the types of perpetually outraged folks who helped Trump become President."

The thing is, with the OTL history we actually have, with the non-implementation of reconstruction, the KKK, NRA, Jim Crow etc., we've already pretty much had the version "What if the South won the war".

You forgot that the first victim when reading spoilers is yourself.

January 20th, 2017.

Meh. Most of the idiots Kelly's now in charge of will still bumble, fuck up, and leak like sieves. Some of them might even get indictments. He's got a shitty road ahead.

The problem with that one is that there's an implication of a process being carried out as intended, which belongs nowhere near this White House.

This is the most accurate one, since pretty much everybody in the White House is a complete moron.

I get the feeling that if anyone's got decent dirt and would be willing to dish it or leak it if wronged, it's Bannon. He's been the quietest, calmest and sanest of the inner circle so far.

It's true your honor, Trump keeps stepping on his dick.