Shemp Marx

Nah, that's your 10th birthday. By the age of 12, we're swigging Pernod down at the bar between rounds of Petanque.

"The calls are coming from INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE!"

They can make him a Targaryen for the show if they want, it would be trivially easy to do. In the books, however, it ain't happening. Quite apart from all the problems already mentioned, Joanna Lannister was nowhere near Aerys during Tyrion's conception.

A major Lord with a grotesque as a son is already a bad enough scandal, especially for someone as proud as Tywin.

Well, they haven't discovered gunpowder in Terros yet, so no cannons. Flaming catapult's the best you're gonna get.

"Anybody else remember the days when a VCR only had a wired remote, which was solely a pause button?" Yeah, we had one. Shit was wild!

Yeah, Paris would have been nice, but we just couldn't swing it. We were just happy to finally be married, since we were waiting on her to finish her Masters.


I'd love to live there if only because it's such a pedestrian-friendly city, even by European standards.

No, we were living in London at the time.

So you didn't hit up the porn museum then? Fun fact: My honeymoon was a weekend in Amsterdam because that's all we could afford.

Meh, "women" always seemed exclusionary to me. There's also at least 1 billion girls in the world.


I understand what you're saying and agree that JA could have used a little more self-awareness, but that's never been the Wachowski's strong suit.

Sure it was. Who do the space cops work for? Why does our heroine seem hugely unimpressed and uninterested by what's happening to her? After everything she's been through, she's content to go back to scrubbing toilets? Why do the 'eternals' even pretend to give a crap about her genetic 'rights' when they have the

And he's not even the worst part of the movie!

P.P.S Kindly respond with a description of yourself in a state of undress.

Plenty still applicable today as well.

Jupiter Ascending's problem isn't that it's dumb, but that it's dumb and incoherent. You can have one or the other in your film and still be seen as underrated, just not both.

The fact that Bill Hicks, were he alive, could essentially recycle 90% of his material and still be relevant today is fucking depressing.