Shemp Marx

That third thing is Jeb Bush's spawn, rising in the ranks…

That's all well and good, but considering what we know of Rick Perry from his various TV appearances running for President these last eight years, isn't the burden of proof on the people who think he knows what he's talking about? Like, you'd have to show me a video of him tying his own shoes before I'd believe it

Meh, don't care. The book and the film are both aces, so we're well ahead of the game.

For about a year or two in the eighties, he was as big as anyone, including Cruise. He made some poor script choices after that IMO.


Oh yeah, it has plenty of formula, as does a lot of Spielberg's work. But his main skill has always been riding that fine line between crowd-pleasing and daring, and there's few examples better than SPR.

Doesn't matter that Trump knows fuck all about parliamentary procedure, the complicated mess that is healthcare, or the fact that all his public statements on the latter directly contradict what's going in Congress. He's cheering McConnell on. He gets to own that.

You sure about that? I mean, trying to raise their standards of living and education hasn't worked out, that's evil socialism. So I'm not sure what's left but mockery.

No Veruca Salt :(

Not convinced. Caveman comes home with the kill, eats, fucks, sleeps. Meanwhile, mama's at home all day, passing down oral history to the younguns, using the cave walls as a blackboard.

Joni Mitchell belongs in the same stratosphere as people like James Brown and Ozzy Osbourne.

"Don't condescend me, man. I'll fuckin' kill ya, man."

There's plenty of non-liberals and non-politicans who believe AGW is a Big Fucking Deal, but it suits the media to say "here's scientific evidence A and lickspittle manifesto B, guess we'll never know!", and it suits the conservatives to frame this as a major front on the "war" against decadent liberalism. Your

Nah, the beauty of SPR is that Spielberg managed to bring the blood and guts without edging into Evil Dead territory. I'm usually the first person to knock Spielberg for not being as awesome as everyone thinks he is, but he threaded the needle on that one very skillfully.

He thrice denied Monday.

Maybe Donny Trump is The Beast's origin story. Gotta start somewhere.

Probably. The nice thing about Deadpool's success is that leaning on stupidity and vulgarity does not have to preclude it being a superhero show or movie. Hell, there's a Preacher TV show, so I've got my fingers crossed that some of Uncle Warren's works will soon come knocking.

The pilot was a hot mess and the lore that's the backbone of this show seemed both kind of thin and done better by lots of other shows. Is there an episode you'd recommend watching up until to get a good grasp?
