Shemp Marx

Actually, you never know. Warren Ellis has a fair amount of contacts in the film/tv world. Even with that, I doubt we'd get Nextwave in anything but animated form, but I could see a Transmetropolitan tv series happening fairly soon. Trump could be be The Beast.


Why not? As awesome as the character was first season, he was slumming. Now that he literally has everything he wants, he ought to be terrifying.

Hannity. It's right up there in the first paragraph.

Isn't he also a Truther? This movie might be interesting if he decides to lean into the conspiracy theories.

(Nobody tell him about Magic Johnson).


See, this is the nice thing about being a Marvel Zombie. I can enjoy DC adaptations for what they are, instead of fretting.

Yeah, I almost went with a white privilege comment originally.

Someone's gonna get shot.

Which has, perversely made GoT more enjoyable for me. It's gone so far off the rails that I can enjoy it as its own thing.

Yeah, but then people complained that those episodes were slow and boring, didn't heavily feature the main characters, lack of cool spaceship fights, etc.

Confederate nostalgia got started to make a few bucks. It's been remarkably successful.

Yeah, this is my biggest problem with this show, since the alt-history genre is very active, it will have to work very hard not to feel derivative.

"Close your mind off to the possibilities of the future."

Fuck. Really?

Wrong movie, you're looking for King Kong.

I think if you asked the average Native American if they'd rather have something like, well, India instead of what they have, they'd consider it an upgrade.

Thanks, asshole. Now I got nekkid Billy Bob in my head.

Don't forget Jaws. I've probably seen that film more than any other, because they keep throwing it on TV all the time, and I. Can't. Not. Watch.