Shemp Marx

Kind of a hard beat to get away from, since, as a character, Batman is very reactionary. Plus, he has the best rogue's gallery of any superhero, so that allure is hard to stay away from.

Even the 'Tank' from the last Batman game was less dumb looking than this.

Man, I dunno. Even if I didn't think it was going to be a shitfest, I feel pretty much the same about a new Batman film as I did about Spider-Man: Homecoming, which is that I'm not in a terrible rush since there's been so many entries to the franchise lately.

Part of the reason I like Rises so much is the condescension and aloofness that Hathaway brings to the role.

No, no I got you fam. Wish more filmmakers had the balls to make their matinee idol megastars as unlikable as Nolan did there.

Even without that twisted ending, The Prestige would still work like gangbusters for me, Bale and Jackman were that good at portraying their obsessions and craft. With that ending? Perfection.

Holmes was a black hole. At least with Gyllenhaal, you could believe her as a prominent DA.

I have a lot of love for Rises. A lot. Kinda surprised it's not higher tbh. Interstellar has a ton of clunky dialogue, mostly in the first hour. As I said above, Insomnia just never came together for me despite some great performances and camerawork. Batman Begins is a step up from actual trash.


Haven't seen Following, so:

Yeah, Insomnia's one of those films where all the great parts don't amount to an even greater whole.

Robocop 3 wasn't that bad.

For this Dune fan, sadly no.

Back when we were in our early twenties, a friend of mine started dating an 18 year old. Every week, he would lament some aspect of her he found annoying, pretty much all predicated on the fact that she was a high school girl. All any of us could say was 'Dude, what the fuck did you expect dating an 18 year old?'

I swear, I've never seen a winning party spend so much time bringing up the loser of a presidential election. On Nov 9th, 1988, you couldn't pay people to remember Dukakis' name.

Please. If he's convicted, and if he's given actual jail time, he'll be going to country club jail. Dude'll probably get weekends off to go home.

I got a Community notification for this?

SPR also has quite a bit of hydrophobia going for it as well: Obviously, the beach landings. Then Camparzo dies while it's raining, Ribisi's medic dies enveloped by fog, and of course the end battle is fought over a bridge over a river.

Sad, sad upvote. These people exist, and we need to stop underestimating them.

It's the national anthem of the south. Works for me.