Shemp Marx

Wailin' Walton.

Yeah, this. Rich guys who've lived primarily in NYC all their life have about as much understanding about driving as some primitive jungle tribe recently discovered in the Amazon.

But it's not really about length, is it? It's about pacing. I've seen plenty of 90 minute movies that had me checking my watch.

Dude, you just pee in the cup after you've emptied it. Easy peasy.

The fucking wailing going on over at Breitbart over the new Doctor Who is frankly stunning. They're not even bothering trying to rationalize their behaviour anymore, half the comments are "A WOMAN DOCTOR? FUCK THAT I'M OUT!"

Second best. Unless you like pissing off Brock Samson…


But, but, Rob Schneider.

Mars Attacks?

Well yes, hence the whole "Tyrion was framed" thing. Also, as I keep repeating, the whole thing is about way more than a dagger.

You're right, I think I have the first part wrong, As for the other, yeah, that's the justification, but racism against the free folk plays a large role.

Drooling intensifies.

The Indomnitus Rex design is also boring as hell. When the T-Rex shows up to fight him, it makes it all the more evident.

He doesn't just screw her, he spends entire chapters agonizing over the decision in a typically serious, mopey teenager fashion. And he suffers several consequences. Dumb bastard falls in love and has to watch her die in his arms, and his time among the wildlings is used as justification fodder for his assassination.

Nah, you'd need the hunters to be actual US military, waaaaay more hardware and rippling U.S. flags, and everything would need to be shot during sunrise or sundown.

Just re-watched JW the other night, and yeeesh, huge chunks of it make no damn sense and none of the characters have anything but the most perfunctory characterization

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man." - George Bernard Shaw

You joke, but if this actually happens, we'll all end up being amateur geologists because the media will run that joke and the metaphors that accompany it into the ground.

Nah, the laughs I get from Hannity are all unintentional.
