Shemp Marx

Which would totally fucking happen, you know it would.

Don't forget the preponderance of saxophones in mainstream music during the late 70s and most of the eighties. That's on him.

There's a great line Ford says in ep 8: "Humans fancy that
there's something special about the way we perceive the world, and yet we live in loops as tight and as closed as the hosts do, seldom
questioning our choices, content, for the most part, to be told what to
do next. No, my friend, you're not missing anything

It does have thematic weight though. One, it's Drogon's attraction to the violent spectacle that brings him in, signifying to a squeamish Dany that if she wants to free slaves or retake Westeros, she's going to have to get her hands a lot more dirty. Second, it's a big turn in her narrative. Drogon literally

In regards to WW, the only mystery that was important to me was what Hopkin's character was going to decide to do. Right up until the end, I wasn't sure if he was the bad guy or the secret hero.

Uhh, Drogon's sudden reappearance worked gangbusters for me, but then again I didn't hate the Mereen storyline as much as others. (Of course, I've been Team Dany from the start, so that probably helps.)

I hope you're being sarcastic, because Deathstroke is the shit. He's basically Captain America gone wrong, which gives you all kinds of room if you're not afraid to experiment.

Depends. If they're properly moist, they are indeed delicious. But there's usually at least a 50% chance they're dry, and then they're horrible.

Yeah Conroy and Hamill are so freaking awesome at Batman and Joker.

"It is agreed; we will give you the money, and in exchange you will bring us the crest of Batman!"

Andy Serkis.

Hot take: It's only 2/3 of a great movie. Once it hits its humanitarian third act, it's like he lost interest and just directed those parts on autopilot.

Not okay, but certainly more culturally acceptable. Also I probably should have let the sarcasm in my comment bleed through a little harder. That one's on me.

I'm not sure what optimism has to do with it. I'm just going with a large majority of women and approximately 15% of men. So say 65% then.

You tease! Tell me more.

Yeah, but 99.99% of them aren't actually fucking their own moms, which is the whole point of the insult.

It's an easy test really: How many people are covered by your insult? In cocksucker's case, quite a lot, easily pushing past 60% of any given population. Whereas, in motherfucker's case, we're talking maybe a couple hundred people out of 7 billion. So dunk away on the edge cases.

Ahem, it's a synonym for masturbator. Which, when you think about it, isn't really much of an insult unless you're Catholic.

By the time they've finished sifting through the depositions, we'll be sitting on the beach, earning twenty percent.

I'll happily defend seasons 4-6, but 7 was so bad I still haven't watched all the episodes yet.