Shemp Marx

You know, I'd be OK with that as long as they kept the prison terms commensurate with how much they'd prematurely aged.

And then Dexter came along and said: "Hold my beer."

I always thought it was Tucker. The whole point of the episode where him and Pembleton grill him is to show that Bayliss isn't quite up to snuff as murder police and that he's too emotionally attached to the case, and that those are the reasons why they never manage to get a confession.

Damn straight. It still boggles my mind that show as prickly and weird and smart as HLOTS came to life on NBC and also managed 7 seasons (and a movie!) It is to the Golden Age Of TV what the Blade films were to the current superhero film boom.

Yeah, I'm fairly optimistic that ADOS won't come long after TWOW, since he's had the endgame pretty much mapped out since the beginning.

Oh, I thought it was consecutive. Guess you wrecked me!

I know, right? And my conscience isn't even all that good, but I'm still insanely jealous.

Yeah, I still think this will end up being a lot more like Iran/Contra than Watergate, sadly.

Technically speaking, can't Obama run in 2020? Not that he or I would want that.

Yup. "While Trump's past comments are troubling, I cannot, in my heart, support BENGHAZI/ABORTION/WEAKNESS."

Yeah, most of the shit against Hillary either a) doesn't really exist, or b) is of a piece with her environment. Not exactly a stirring defense, but as you pointed, she's no worse (and even better) than candidates that are supposed to be more 'woke' or who have more base support.

A Monster is still better than a Liberal. At least he's not a Liberal.

FWIW, Marky Mark will always have a place in my heart for being the only bright spot in The Departed.

It helps to remember than none of these chuckleheads are all that bright, really.

That the GOP is better on the Ag industry then Dems is a new one on me. Also, seeing as how something like 90% of farming in the US is done by multinationals, I'm puzzled as to how that would work in practice.

Nah, the jobs thing is easy, just use Hannity rules: When a democrat is in power, you talk about the 90 million Americans who aren't working. When a republican is in office, you just use regular unemployment numbers, which are actually pretty good right now.

You missed out one very important detail: Cheney didn't shoot some random friend, he shot a lawyer, who then apologized immediately afterwards and took all the blame himself. Which, if you know lawyers, is near-inconceivable.

Greenwald's easy to figure out when you realize he's got all the markers of being a libertarian.

FWIW, theā€¦level of Trump support seems to be waning on Breitbart these last few weeks.