Shemp Marx

I want to travel back in time to tell myself to stop complaining about the History channel being nothing but the WW2 channel.

Since this is a statement that can be applied to pretty much any movie from the 'indie' end of things (and quite a few big studio projects too), it's essentially useless to this discussion.

2016: You see that shit? I am a badass, state-of-the-art, dream killer, bwahahaha!

You're right, they should mix it up a bit and use claymores and bears like the Punisher does.

I actually have some money, so I'm seriously debating spending some hard cash to go to one of these things and make a scene. Fucking fuck that fucking piece of shit.

Well, he was the spare hero, stands to reason he'd be pretty badass.

Actually, it did. Very late in the series, but Draco's a mensch now.

No way. He's not even ugly enough to be 'Hollywood Ugly'.

Meh, Apollo 13 is, to me, mostly a great actor showcase. I really like Cinderella Man, but that's mostly for Crowe and Zellwegger's understated performances. Rush was…missing a third act.

It would be sweet to get an Alan Smithee (or whatever name they're using now) Star Wars film.

No, Ron Howard has a style. As kirivinokur said above, he's competent.

Are any of those movies transcendent in any way? I like some of his stuff, but never once has a Ron Howard film made me go 'holy shit!'

'how are they going to talk about the genesis of this movie without acknowledging the directors they fired'

'Face like a foot' had me crying though.

Her role's been passive, yes, but I'd argue she's getting a bang up education in the arts of political intrigue, economies of feudal aristocracies as well as a primer on what exactly has happened to her country. There's only been a couple of examples of her bringing that knowledge to bear in an active sense, but I

35 years later, Jim Shooter's gigantic shadow still looms large…

Disagree mostly on Oberyn. Yes, Pedro Pascal did a fantastic job bringing him to life, but it's pretty much a straight to page-to-screen conversion on that one.


Reading elsewhere it seems most likely it's either Bloodraven or Luwin. Probably Bloodraven.

90% is a liiiiiitle high. After all, they fucked up Stannis, brought in the Dorne and Iron Islands storylines, butchered them and then discarded them. They've given Sansa almost nothing to do, and instead of using some of the cool shit Arya does in the books, replaced it with boring filler. Honestly, at this point,