Shemp Marx

Plot-wise, Seven is a little silly (But then, so are 99% of movie plots.) But everything else is fucking awesome, and that's why we celebrate it.

Meh, the sentence is technically correct, but yeah easy fix really. Just use 'almost' instead of 'practically'.

Only decent bit in the whole movie.

I still can't remember the plot though. Your description is right out of the books though.

Ugh. S.E. Cupp is what happens when a concern troll thinks they've found a surefire way to disguise the fact that they're a concern troll.

Fuck, I'd be willing to spot them that argument if they were actually willing to highlight some of Obama's actual, less-than sterling moments, but no, it's all birtherism, sharia law and bald-faced lying on economic facts.

The problem is, as mentioned elsewhere, that the GOP's not doing this for healthcare reasons at all, they're doing this (and have to do it in a certain way) in order to be able to pass their tax cuts later, which is the real prize they're after. So this precludes them from employing tactics and procedures which would

On a long enough timeline, he may be right, but that analysis of his is as shallow as you can get and manages to ignore the vast reserves of money the GOP and its cronies can bring to bear to sway public opinion.

Yup. Literally every GOP complaint against the bill was horseshit. They spent months wrangling it, not rushing it through, the text was, as you say, easily available, and it literally had hundreds of GOP amendments, a far cry from 'we were never consulted'.

This. The Dems are from perfect, but they haven't 'lost' the working class anymore than the GOP 'lost' social conservatives when Trump was nominated.

'I really don't give a shit about someone killing her fiance and stealing her baby.'

'What gave her revenge weight?'

Well said. T3 has a lot of problems, but Loken's performance was not one of them.

I remember the Ben Affleck one being competent. I could not tell you a damn thing about the movie though…

Graveyard shootout's not bad either.

Joel Kinnaman when those two aren't available.

Man, if you think revenge is emotionally empty, I can only congratulate you on a life well lived. But you're wrong about Vol. 1.

No, you're thinking of Bourne Gone Wild: Cancun

I've always said the difference between a hack and an auteur is that the hack sees something cool and goes "That's great! I gotta use that.", whereas the auteur will say "That's great! But what if…"

I don't know. While I can't imagine what he'd do if he weren't making films, he's been crystal clear on stopping after ten movies and why he's planning to stop.