Shemp Marx

Liberals are a Floor Wax AND a Dessert Topping!

As shitty as his late career has been, he's still got way more hits and critical darlings in his resume than anyone would have ever given him credit for when he started out in the 80s.

Adoptive parents. Boom, retconned.

Yeah, I'm not sure the non-comic nerd viewing audience will be able to process Cyclops' daddy being a space pirate furry lover.

It was the 70s. I mean, during that decade, Batman was practically Indiana Jones, so you get the idea.

Well, they're disco clowns who think they're metal. So, those kind of nincompoops.

It seemed fairly straightforward to me. Rust encountered despair and nihilism that went beyond his own and realized he wasn't as bad off as he thought he was.

And for the most part, they delivered on those promises. Perhaps not always successfully…


People looking at BSG as simply a puzzle show puzzle me. It was way more than that.

It doesn't end the series. Razor and The Plan are companion pieces, easily avoided if you're not a die hard fan, although the first is decent, and the second's alright if you like some Dean Stockwell.

Yeah, she's been a revelation, especially when she gets angry and/or swears.

BRB, gonna create a bunch of fake disqus profiles so I can upvote this as much as possible.

Same with Monsters U. Considering how unnecessary it was (even more so than FD), it turned out way better than it should have.

So am I.

I'm not getting a creepy vibe from the neighbour tbh, more like the opposite. As boring as this show can be, it often subverts expectations.

I liked the pairing as well, I just thought the dialogue for most of it was horrible, and Banner was a little too dumb about it.

Holy shit, that's a sentence written by a grown ass adult? If I worked with him, I wouldn't be able to look him in the eye after that.

Yeah, there's sill idiots on the site crowing about their Kellogg's boycott victory, but last I checked, their stock was doing just fine.

Coogler better put some sort of pocket joke in that scene.