Shemp Marx

In the words of Homer Simpson via Damon Albarn -

Yeah, this.

Yeah, I've never understood the Cavill hate. He's not the worlds' greatest actor, but he's also not a piece of wood, which seems to be the chief criticism.

Honestly, after seeing WW, I really can't picture anyone else doing it, Gadot did that good of a job.

Too late, one of Jeb's spawns is already an up and comer in Texas politics.

Ahem, the Northern Irish. The regular Irish are doing just fine.

It's a bit premature to lambast any Walking Dead alum if that's all you've seen them in. It's like saying during the 80s that John Ritter is a one note actor. I'll wait and see how the new show goes.

I'm gonna lean churlish here: Sails unfurling? Done better in Sunshine (yeah I know they weren't sails). BC looks good in the rain? Not only done better in a ton of other stuff, I'm so over 30 years of "North Hollywood". And the opening scene? Done better in Ex Machina.

Yeah, maybe it was because I was a youngun, but the throne room scene was gripping.

Where? This is a serious question as all I saw was a generic spaceship, British Columbia in the rain, and a bland adobe complex shot as darkly as possible.

At least with Prometheus, there were several shots and sequences that felt like Scott's work. At no point during Covenant did the film look like anything but a big budget Sci-Fi channel movie.

I'm thinking it's the casting version of a mercy fuck.

Hot take: Alien Covenant makes Prometheus look like a masterpiece.

My wife banned Monopoly as one of our wedding vows. I banned Pictionary.

The Book of Life is highly underrated.

As an Adult Swim veteran, I can report that being high does not improve the works of Heidecker/Wareheim.


Is this really a big enough threshold to start calling someone pretentious? I mean, it's 2017, we're not exactly starved for pretentiousness, and this seems like small beans to me.

I've never really waded into details of production, but I'd have to agree since you had 4 talented comedians who always felt like they were on a leash.

Big O was pretty good. And didn't they air Evangelion once way back in the day?