Shemp Marx

Why not? For all its problems, it still manages to accomplish some things that no one else has even attempted yet.

Yeah, he's the (relatively) calm center that anchors the whole thing.

Similar for me. If I catch a rerun somewhere, and then the end credits kick in, my brain pavlovs my mom telling me it's bedtime.

Fond ,memories of trying to find someone dumb enough to swap their breakfast for my Lung In A Bag.

The "ugly" one.

-1 point for not using the Futurama phrasing.

I try to keep my lyrics short and fat, unlike Cersei
R'hllor bless me

The Butter Robot might just be my favourite R&M joke. Which is saying something.

Lex Luthor wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire.


Mother Stigmata. Please.

I thought it was the other way around, but then again I may be confusing which one has which name.

"It's gonna make House Party look like House party 2!

"Ugh, society is just the worst!"

The problem with libertarians is that, as much as they may or may not want to identify as 'liberal', 99% only really care about the monetary side of their ideology. Start grilling them on the social side of things and watch them flounder at best, sound like a regular Tea Partier at worst.

And welding dogs to evildoers. That one's important.

The only person getting worked up in this thread is you.

Stay classy, Buzz.

You're thinking of Jiffy Lube.

Charlize Theron could absolutely pull off playing a guy who's a drag queen. I'd watch the shit out of that.